I Think I Got Muted

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Yep. You read right. I think I've been muted. By none other than @TheEclipse_133 . I tried looking for them when I became active on Wattpad again, but whenever I saw them in any comment section and tried to go to their profile, it would say this account has either been deleted or is only visible to a select audience, or something like that. I used to think they had deleted their account, but I've seen them in the comment section of some books I've read that are dated this year. Yeah, so I've been muted. I'm actually quite bummed about it. They used to read and comment on my books quite often. Oh well.

Has any of you ever been muted? Did you ever get unmuted?

Sigh. I'll just go binge watch Black Clover. Until later, guys. 

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