Last Update Before I Go To School: Covers

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Remember when I said I wasn't going to open a cover shop anymore? Well, I thought about it again, and I decided I just might give it a shot. If it doesn't go well, then I just close it. Besides, I was bored and my boredom led to me making a cover for my cover shop already. It also led to me making another cover that I wanna use but I have no idea what kind of book I should use it for.

This is for the cover shop:

And this is the other random cover that I made which I still don't know what to do with even though I really wanna use it:

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And this is the other random cover that I made which I still don't know what to do with even though I really wanna use it:

And this is the other random cover that I made which I still don't know what to do with even though I really wanna use it:

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So that's that. So should I open a cover shop or nah? 

Also, what ideas does the second cover give you? I'm willing to work with a partner :D! And it doesn't have to be a story line. It could be anything at all, like a campaign or something.

Yeah, that's all. I'm going to school on Monday. See you all in September. 

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