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So, before this story begins, it must be established that I have little to no idea on how to drive. Yeah, it was a stupid stunt I pulled but ah well. Here goes, the tale of my *reckless* driving:

One evening I was riding my bike around the house, and my mom's car was blocking the way, so I got annoyed. I went for her car keys from her bag, which was in front of her, and went back outside. I sat in the driver's seat, started the ignition and reversed the bitch.

Now, here comes the part where I say had I known and if only. Had I known, I would have just left the car like that. If only the cylinder wasn't there. Anyway, the car wasn't parked straight, and it was kind of a pet peeve, so I kept going forward and reversing in an effort to get it to park straight. 

Somewhere along the line, I was moving forward but instead of braking, I accidentally stepped on the accelerator and hit the gas cylinder. Luckily it was empty so I didn't die or anything. But I didn't hear a thing from inside the car though. Unfortunately, my mom heard it and came rushing outside. I'd been caught. The rest was history.

So the lesson from all this kids is, don't drink and drive. I was having a soft drink in the car, and I'm sure that's what caused my demise. I repeat, DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE YOU IDIOTS! NO, NOT EVEN WATER! DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE!

Okay bye.

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