Chapter 33

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“Though I’m exhausted to the point where I can’t walk
Though my tears blur my vision
I’ll still smile in front of my love that I’m not able to get”

Min Young and I ended up singing in the midst of the night surrounding the bon fire that keeps us warm.

I was smiling as I sing those lines. Funny how a song could reflect how I feel.

“Even though our happy times were short,
I’ll treasure it deep inside my heart
Like those countless number of stars, forever”

I continued singing my heart out like nothing matters while Min Young harmonizes with me.

“Only for today, I won’t cry
Though my eyes fill with tears
I want to laugh like those stars
Oh~ I want to cherish all my happy moments deep inside my heart
Like those countless number of stars, forever”

We ended the song with a smile.

“Waaaaah! Your voices! It’s more beautiful hearing it live!” Jimin clapped his hands absentmindedly.

“Aigoo! Our Seyeonnie and Min Youngie has the best voices right?” Hobi oppa bragged while I smiled wider.

The effects of my medicine was still on that’s why I’m still too damn happy.

“Yah! Oppa should sing a song as well!” I demanded.

“I’m a rapper Seyeonnie. Can’t.” he shook his head before he drinks his beer.

“You auditioned for vocal and dance. Tch!” I rolled my eyes at him as I lay my head on Yoongi hyung’s shoulder and watch the sky.

“Fine. I’ll sing. This brat!” Hoseok oppa grumbled while I gave him a thumbs up.

The night was spent with the ten of us singing and laughing.

We decided to call it a night when Jungkook and Taehyung were too drunk already.

Min Young and Hoseok oppa confiscated my sleeping pills. They said I might overdose myself so now I’m still wide awake while Min Young was already fast asleep beside me in our shared tent.

I keep shifting my position but I just can’t fall asleep yet so with a blanket wrap around myself, I decided to go out and admire the sky and the scenery more.

I walk to the what seems to be a dock on the edge of the lake a few meters away from our little camp. I saw two body guards silently following me. They’re doing their job well.

I lay the blanket on the wooden dock and lay myself on the blanket as I watched the dark sky while listening to the sound of the cicadas.

The pitch black sky and the darkness around me makes all the stars and moon shines brighter than usual.

I think I fell in love with the sky here. I’ve been to Chile and Norway to witness a more breathtaking view but this gives me a deeper impression.

The sky here looks more simple, more real and I love it that way. Its natural-lity is what gives its beauty.

Sure there’s no Aurora around here but I prefer things mundane than ethereal. If I didn’t pursue my career I think I’ll maintain my plainness and simplicity and I wouldn’t be fascinated by diamonds and golds.

The sky out here may be the darkest sky I’ve seen but it’s darkness captivated me. I want to shine brighter like those stars and moon with my own inner shadows too.

“Why are you still up? It’s cold out here.” That voice I always admire got me out of my woolgathering.

“Can’t sleep and I like the cold.” I replied with eyes still glued in the sky.

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