Chapter 41

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A/N: Face Yourself is out and Let Go got me crying and Jin has many parts and I live for something like this and I didn't sleep last night until I finally finish this chapter.

Goodbye My First Love

I was slowly getting used of how my life was going. I was slowly accepting the fact that I am made to be Scarlet Jung and embrace the reality that I can’t do anything but to do what people are expecting me to do. I was slowly welcoming the fame and forgetting love because I’ve already learned the hardest way that I can never have everything all at once. I was prepared to let go of everything and just be Scarlet Jung, the beautiful supermodel turned actress that everyone admired but doesn’t really see.

I was slowly accepting the punishment of being chained up with the stardom. I was slowly giving my freedom up. I wasn’t being greedy anymore but when Kim Seok Jin showed up in front my house looking like a deer who got caught in the headlight, I don’t know if I was really prepared of it all.

I was moving on. Slowly but I know I was making a progress until he showed up.

I was surprised, happy yet angry. No, furious. My emotions chocking me and slowly seething off me like a wild fire of summers.

“Get out.” It was the first word I was able to utter to him after two years.

“Seyeon please…” he pleaded but damn him! I won’t listen to his plea!

“Out Seok Jin. Out.” I repeated with voice trembling as I try so hard to control the anger that's begging to be released.

“I know I screw up big time but please hear me out.” The next thing I know is that he was already on his knees clearly begging but no. I’m ready to face him yet.

I was not expecting to see him, not after he suddenly left and let me fight alone the grief of losing our child.

Sure I longed for him before but two years have passed since Han Sung's death and he wasn't there. Not for me, not for Han Sung. He was always not there for us so no. I won’t listen to whatever his excuse is.

“You screwed up big time so suck it up and leave. I don’t need you nor your excuses. I was doing fine on my own so get out of my premises while I’m asking nicely.” I was irritated because how dare he?

Does he think I am just going to welcome him back with open arms? Hell fucking no!

“I won't go until you hear me out Seyeon. Please hear me just this once.” He begged as he looked at me with those eyes that I used to love so much.
I won’t lie though. No matter how angry I am a part of me still wants to just hug him till the sunrise and never let him go again but a bigger part of me simply wants to run away from him.

I was scared. I was never secured with him and I don’t want to get my hopes up only to be crushed again and seeing him only reminds me of Han Sung.

“Suit yourself for all I care.” I spat out coldly as I leave him kneeling in front of the elevator.

I punched in my code in a hurry, afraid that he'll chase me and force me to listen but to my surprise he didn't move an inch.

I locked my door and took a deep breath before I walk inside my room.
I was in dazed, my mind fussy with anger and inner conflicts.

I don’t really know how I manage to even prepare my bath but here I am in my warm tub staring blankly at nothingness with a throbbing ache in my heart that's begging to be held.
The next thing I know is I was sobbing hard and pathetically.

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