Chaper Eight

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Stupid NBN being a bitch, making me update late (NBN is internet BTW)

~ Kaiden's POV ~

The weekend came and went too fast, I found myself back in the familiar locker lined halls. Only this time, I wasn't fearing for my life. Felix had a different personality then what I first thought. Although it was the start of the day, it was dull. The sun covered by deep purply-grey clouds threatening to rain. It seemed like a shitty day, like nothing would happen. But something did happen, Skye came up to me shoving me into an empty classroom quickly.

"Wha-" I was cut off as her small lips found mine, she pried back my lip forcing her tongue inside. She began passionately exploring my mouth with her tongue, my mind once blank now became clear. Her fingers looped around the waist of my jeans when I shoved her away. For a moment, all that was heard was our heavy breathing.

"What was that?" I asked,

"Come on Kaiden" she replied sitting on the desk and opening her legs slightly so her shorts hitched up her pale thighs even more.
"I need it" she begged,

"I thought you were with Braydon?" I asked keeping my eyes on her face instead of her large breasts bursting from her shirt.

"But Braydon is boring" she complained,
"He doesn't satisfy me like you do" she trailed her nails over my bicep wrapping her hands around my neck. I needed to get out. As much as I'd like to do the frick-frack with her, she was dating Braydon and my friendship with him is not worth risking over a quickie in the classroom. The door bust open, light flooding the dark room.

"Oops, sorry" Felix called from the doorway,
"I need to borrow your fuck bud there" he pointed to me.

"Go away nerd" Skye snapped, Felix tilted his head slightly.

"I need him for the assignment we're working on" he tried again only for her to glare at him.

"You do it yourself, you don't need him" she whined, Felix huffed clearly annoyed by her high pitched voice. His eye twitched slightly,

"Fuck it" he said suddenly grabbing my hand,

"You're so thirsty you could drink Niagara Falls and drown a small toddler in your skimpy ass panties! When someone doesn't want it, doesn't mean you do it! That's called rape and you could be charged with it whether it be a woman or a man as the victim" he cried, breathing heavily from his rant.

Both me and Skye looked at him amazed, he dropped his nerd persona to rescue me from medusa. He tugged on my hand, dragging me out of the room and slamming the door behind him. His blue eyes seemed to be on fire as he intensely glared ahead of him. The halls were now empty, no student in sight as they had already piled in to the classrooms. Felix let go of my hand, breathing a sigh of relief as he gazed at the ceiling. There was a long stretch of silence before he spoke,

"I fucked up didn't I?"
I laughed,

"Probably" I answered making him groan. He turned to me, those blue eyes no longer held annoyance but something different. Something I couldn't put my finger on but I knew it was nice.

"You know, I'm only a nerd for your safety. If anyone knew that you were friends with Razor, you'd be in danger" I knew he was speaking as general, as in if anyone got close to him. But the way he said it and the way he stared made it seem like he was protecting me only. I gulped quietly,

"Anyway, we have to go or-" Felix was cut off by an impatient foot tap. There stood our vice-principal, Mr Evans, a tall stern looking old man with a receding hairline and expensive clothes. He's always wanted the principal job but when the old one retired, he gave the position to his son so the vice-principal was a grumpy old fart.

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