Chapter Sixteen

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- Felix's POV -

I awoke the next morning to my alarm blaring, I groaned and shut it off before crawling out of bed. I changed into an oversized hoodie and jeans after my shower. I disinfected my stitches before wrapping them up in a clean bandage. I slipped on my glasses, grabbing my packed bag and the book I was now reading ('A tale of two cities') before exiting the house earlier than usual. I began my long walk to school, stopping at a cafe for a mocha coffee and Carmel slice for breakfast. I know it's bad but it's so good.

I managed to crawl my ass into the hell known as school and everyone stared at the bandage around my head. They started gossiping, useless chatter really. I went to my locker, getting the books out for English, my first subject of the day. The bell rang and I made my way to English class. Only this time the seat next to mine wasn't empty but filled with, and I quote the girls, 'a sexy ass'.

"Hey Felix" Kaiden chirped with a wide smile, I grunted a hello back as I flopped in my chair. The English teacher ("Mrs Johnson" Kaiden reminded me one day when I couldn't remember) pranced in with an arm full of papers.

"Alright, I managed to mark everyone's drafts... Braydon get back over to your partner"
Braydon grumbled but complied,
"So I'm really tired. I will hand these out and you can work quietly on them" she started handing them out, when she put ours on my desk she said

"Good job taming him, he needs to pass this class"

"It's not that hard to tame him" I said after she walked off, smirking at Kaiden who just rolled his eyes. I read over the draft while Kaiden grabbed a shitty laptop from the back. In some classes, the school splurged and bought old laptops so the class can do media work in their own classroom. Kaiden pulled up power point as I rewrote some key points that we need to fix. We divided the speech so each of us gets a equal amount of speaking time.

"Hey Felix? I don't get this, what did she mean by 'Rewrite this example?" Kaiden asked, I leaned over to see what he was looking at.

"Basically either rewrite it so it makes sense or choose another example that fits better to what we are discussing" I explained. He did a quiet 'ooooh' before going back to what he was doing.


Lunch rolled around, I made my way to my locker with Kaiden at my heels like a puppy.

"You going to the library?" He asked as I grabbed my lunch (a ham, cheese and mayonnaise sandwich). He followed me again to the library, the librarian gave me a nod before going back to sorting books. We sat at the very back, Kaiden talked about Lucy as I munched quietly on my sandwich.

"... the other day, she was playing with her toys and I asked if I could join. She said no, do you think this is a rejection phase?" He asked worriedly.

"She's 6" I pointed out,
"Maybe she just didn't want you to play with her"

"But she's always asking me to play" Kaiden whined, flopping onto the table. I rolled my eyes,

"She's at the age where she's realising boys has cooties" I stated crumpling my lunch bag into a ball.

"No, I taught her that ages ago" Kaiden sighed, Such an over protective brother I thought. He continued to complain as I read my book, nodding along every once in a while. The break went quickly, I had biology next while Kaiden had Maths. He groaned,

"I hate maths"

"Same" I said making Kaiden look confused.

"I thought nerds like all subjects" he asked, I gave him a 'really?' Look.

"Nerds aren't beings from outer space you know, they're humans too"
Kaiden shrugged with one shoulder,

"Then again you are the first nerd I talked to and your not even a proper nerd" he said casually.

"So you don't have conversations with them before you give them a swirly?" I asked smiling sweetly at him. He frowned making me laugh. I gave him a good-bye and jogged my way to class. I sat at the back of biology, tapping my pen against the paper as the old teacher droned on about Meiosis and Mitosis. It wasn't the subject that was boring but the teachers voice. I winced as my head pounded, pulling out my headache medicine.

"You there!" The teacher suddenly snapped making me and the class jump, his voice no longer boring but stern. He was pointing at me,

"Yes sir?" I asked kindly.
What the fuck did he want with me?

"Are you doing drugs in my classroom?"
Bloody old bat

"No sir, this is medication for my head" I said,
"Prescription and everything"

"How do I know that?! You kids are getting crafty with the way you do those things"
Oh my god, it's like he's never had pills

"I was in an accident sir, I need this for my stitches" I replied hoping it got through his thick hair in his ears.

"Office, now!" He barked, I internally groaned and picked up my stuff.

"Fucking deaf, mindless really" I muttered under my breath as I exited the room. I was greeted by empty halls, I wanted to scream and punch the teacher for not knowing anything but I couldn't do that. I opened the office door and saw Kaiden on a chair with his phone in hand. He looked up as the door squeaked,

"Oh hey Felix" he said happily, I could hear the principal taking to someone already.

"What are you in for?" I asked, he gave me a lazy smile

"Braydon and I keep mucking around at the back. We were making aeroplanes and one landed in the teachers thick curly hair" he laughed lightly,
"She was not happy about it though"
We sat for a few more minutes with the rumble of the principals voice until the door opened. Braydon walked out, his eyes dancing from Kaiden to me and his face turned into a scowl before he stomped out.

"Oh god, you've multiplied" the principal said. The principal was a young man with dark brown hair and gun mental blue eyes. He was around 22-23 years old and took over the job of principal last year from his father. He was nice and the girls loved him.

"No sir, the biology teacher sent me over for taking drugs" I explained, he raised his eyebrow.

"Were you?" He asked, I shook my head pulling out the medication. He sighed,

"Mr Manna is too old and confused to be a teacher" he said making Kaiden laugh. The principal gave him a raised eyebrow before shooing us both out. My phone buzzed, checking the number I saw an unknown number. It was Annalise, I smiled when I saw the text.

"Wanna go out tonight?" I asked. He snapped his head towards me,


"Relax, I'm not asking for a date! I'm just asking" I said, he hesitated before replying.


"Great, wear something black and disposable" I said prancing off.

I don't know if you guys care but the puppies we fostered have gone to good homes. Loki was immediately taken by my Aunty so he's still in the family and Spud went to a good family. Hope they are treated we and grow up to be beautiful dogs!

 Hope they are treated we and grow up to be beautiful dogs!

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^ Last time I saw them together was when we returned them. Gonna miss my babies.

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