Chapter Thirty- Eight

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- Felix's POV -

What were we? I mean, I enjoy his company and those kisses weren't anything to sneeze about but.... would you consider us dating? Or am I just another toy to him?
I hated him for throwing my mind through a loop. I was silent the whole way back, the crappy radio was the only thing filling the silence. He dropped me off at my apartment,

"Bye Felix" he smiled sadly as I climbed out. I looked back at him, giving him a nod before slamming the door in his face.

"Why's your face all red? Got a fever?" Nikki asked, putting the cigarette out in the ashtray. I didn't even realise what she meant until I felt the warmth in my cheeks. I shook my head, groaning before flopping onto the reception couches.

"Feet off nerd" she said, opening some gossip magazine. I sighed but obeyed,

"What do I do Nikki?" I asked the ceiling.

"Huh?" She said,
"Go have this existential crisis in your own room"

"..... Nikki" I whined.

"What?" She asked, her tone a bit softer then before.

"I really, really like him" I glanced over at her. A smile appeared on her face,

"So you two a thing now?" She gasped,
"Do I finally have a son-in-law?!"
I laughed, laughed so hard I fell off the couch. It was a good feeling,

"N-no" I said before the smile vanished.
"At least.... I don't think so..." 

"Honey, just admit that you're gay and like Kaiden Smith" she blurted,
"Don't do non of this 'beat round the bush' bull crap. Admit it, confess, date and move on. That boy is head over heels with you anyway"

"..... I'll talk to him tomorrow at school" I said. My phone loudly rang in my pocket and I was highly disappointed that it wasn't Kaiden.

"Heeeyyy!!" Melissa's voice came through the speaker phone.

"Yes?" I asked politely, hoping this conversation could be over.

"So I was thinking of upping the club meets from once a week to twice. Kenzie agreed to it but we need three or more votes to carry the motion" Melissa rambled. I rubbed my eyes,

"Plus we have a competition coming up within the next 5 weeks, we need to be on top of everything! We're facing the all girls school of Saint Margrets Academy and we've lost to them so many times. Kenzie's cousin is the leader and let me tell you, she is such a gloater! Plus-"

"Yeah sure whatever" I cut her off.

"Really?! Awesome, thank you!!" She yelled before I was greeted with the dial  tone. I looked at my phone, seeing that Hector had texted me during the conversation.

'Whatever you do, don't say yes! She wants to do it every Saturday as well!! Don't make me loose my weekend!'
3 seconds after I read it, another text cane through.

'Goddamnit Felix you traitor'
I let out a loud groan. There goes most of my weekends too.


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