Chapter Thirty- Five

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~ Kaiden's POV ~

After the Winter Carnival and school staring back up, I found myself with Felix less than before. I can understand why he was hesitant with me, I did cross the boundary of friends and lovers but I found out something new. I did like Felix.
My friends accepted him as well, except for Braydon who was still being a bully and Skye who was still hesitant. I sat in History alone, Braydon sitting with some other people. My phone rang while the teacher was out collecting printing.


"CONGRATULATIONS!" Someone yelled, I pulled my phone away wincing. A few people near me glanced my way. I dashed out of class,
"You Mr Smith have won 2 tickets to see the newest musical 'Hero' in Rocksail!"


"The tickets has been sent to your home address! Courtesy of 57.01 FM!"
It clicked, I signed up for a radio give away. All of the prizes were some sort of ticket. I was aiming for the first prize, basketball tickets but someone else won those. I ended up with the second place prize.

"Uh, Thanks?"

"You're very welcome, any song requests?" He asked.

"Ed Sheeran's new song" I said, my mother loved him. My phone went silent as they hung up. I knew exactly who to take.


I found Felix lounging in the library much like a cat. The gloomy librarian gave me a short nod as I walked in. Felix was reading a book called 'Sharp Objects' by Gillian Flynn. He didn't notice me as I approached him, I tapped his arm with my foot and he shot me a glare.

"Careful Bigfoot!" He winced,
"I got a massive bruise there"

"You were fighting again?"
He nodded, tucking a scrap piece of paper into his book as a book mark.

"Almost chocked me the bastard" he said, pulling down his black turtleneck and showing me the bruises.

"Reminds me of how we got acquainted" I hummed.
"You almost killed me"
He stared at me for a second, I could see the glazed look in his eyes as the cogs ticked in his brain. I swear I almost heard a ding and he laughed.

"Oh yeah! I remember that" he chuckled,
"Well, at least threatening you worked. Haven't told anyone, not even your cop dad"
After that, I spent the day wondering. Why didn't I tell on him? Sure he would kill me but I would be protected by my father and all surrounding cops. Be put in witness protection would be the worst, trial against him then the dreaded Razor is off the street and my father can sleep again. But I didn't. Felix is still with me and Razor is still frightening. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I forgot to ask 'Razor' about the musical tickets.

I laid in bed, staring at my phone and wondering what to say. Lucy's small footsteps ran past my door before she backtracked and opened my door.

"Daddy's home!" She cried happily, flopping onto my bed. He has been busy with the Randells road warehouse murder. He believed they were linked to a highly powerful gang, small fries but still dangerous.

"That's nice" I hummed, staring at the phone. I heard heavier footsteps and my dad appeared in the doorway,

"You seem excited" he commented. I looked up as I felt the bed shift. Lucy jumped into his lap,
"What's that?" He picked up my tickets from the bedside table.

"Won them, I'm taking Felix" I answered. He scratched his neck and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Do you like Felix?" He asked, my father was very blunt.
"I was talking with your mother and...."
I gulped, Lucy looking at me with curious eyes.

"I... I think.." I trailed. My dad sighed,

"You either do or don't, your mother picked up on it first. She's observant I'll tell you that..."

"I knew Kaiden liked Felix ever since he kissed Felix after the basketball game" Lucy added in a nonchalant tone, both our heads whipped to her.

"They what?"

"You saw?"
My father looked at me,

"Don't ignore your feelings Kaiden, I almost lost your mother because of that"

"I do" I groaned, a blush creeping up my face as I buried it in my hands.
"I fucking like him, he's uniquely different"

"Does that mean Felix can come over more often?!" Lucy asked excitedly but we ignored her.

"I say, confess on this trip of yours where you can both talk with no interruptions" he stood up, carrying Lucy under one arm making her laugh and squeal. Before he exited my room, he turned back to me.
"Same rules apply to you as well as Lucy, no closed doors with boys in your room"
I laughed making him smile in reply.


I pulled up at Felix's apartment the next morning, he had agreed to come. I parked near his bike, turning the car off and walking into the lobby. I was surprised to see Landor, Adrian and non other then Caesar Elizabeth Vantor. Nikki stood behind the counter, glaring at the now larger puppy.

"Keep that thing on a leash or I'm throwing it out the window" she said. Landor looked offended,

"Don't touch our pupper wupper" He cooed in a baby voice. I would've thought it was a joke until Caesar ran up to him all excited, like he has heard that before. Caesar saw me and something in him clicked because he barrelled me over with a sloppy tongue.

"Hey Kaiden" Adrian called, he gave a sharp whistle and Caesar backed off enough to let me sit up.
"Why are you here?"

"I'm taking Felix to Rocksail to watch a musical"
Nikki laughed,

"Gay" She said as she tapped her cigarette. I glared at her before jogging up the stairs to Felix's apartment. I ran into Alice who looks just about to pop,

"Hello Kaiden" she said.

"Hey Alice, how much longer?" I asked

"Next month he'll be out" she smiled fondly, I waved good bye as I knocked on Felix's door. He poked his head out,

"Gimme a sec" he opened the door letting me enter. I sat on the couch, seeing the stuffed animal I won for him sitting next to me.

"I see Hamilton Von Buttersworth the fourth is still kicking" I called with a smile. I heard Felix chuckle making my heart thump. He emerged from the bathroom wearing a navy blue shirt with a leather jacket over the top. He wore simple converse and dark grey skinny jeans. I wore a maroon long shirt and black jeans with my beat up sneakers. I felt a little underdressed but I'm sure non of us mind. He straightened his glasses, grabbing his wallet.

"We ready to-" He got cut off by his phone ringing violently. Once looking at the caller ID, he scowled and threw his shitty phone into his room with a loud bang as it landed somewhere.

"What was that about?" I asked, his face grew dark.

"Nothing you need to concern yourself about" he snapped as he stomped out. I held up my hands in surrender as I walked out. He locked the door behind us and walked down the stairs.

"How do I look?" Felix asked the little gathering in the lobby. Caesar went mad, running around Felix and jumping on him.

"Handsome" Adrian said.

"Cute!" Landor cooed.

The brothers both glare at the older lady standing in the middle of them. She ignored their gazes and takes a breath from her cigarette. I laugh at Nikki's dirty mind and lack of filter. Felix rolled his eyes,

"Thanks guys" he said scratching Caesars back.

"Alright, we're off!" I called, the twins gave us a wave while Caesar tried to follow.

"Have fun" Nikki called sending Felix a wink. He glared at her but a smile lingered on his face.

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