Chapter Thirty- One

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- Felix's POV -

Everyone knows where the were at the first second of the new year, I was in an alley way covered in blood. Let me explain how I got here.

After arriving home on Boxing Day, I looked for my necklace so I could put on my ring. But it wasn't in my hiding place, I took a deep breath.

"Alright Felix, where would you put it?" I muttered to myself. I turned my house inside out. Tears brimmed in my eyes, I needed that necklace. My breathing began to get frantic as I searched the drawer a third time. My fingers found Kaiden's number.


"Kaiden! Kaiden, did I leave my necklace over there?!" I asked panicked.

"I don't think so..." he trailed off,
"You okay?"

"No I'm not!" I yelled, frustration and panic laced my voice, it scared me. Kaiden was silent,

"Calm down Felix, I'm sure you can get a new one..." he tried yo say with a calm voice. I put him on speaker phone, plopping on the couch and pressing the heels of my palms into my eyes. I couldn't do it, my body was having a panic attack. My throat began to close and Kaiden's words got drowned out. Alarms went off in my head,

"FELIX!" He yelled making me jump,
"Tell me why this necklace is important" he said softly. He was prying into my business again, ripping through to discover my past but my heart rate began to slow down when he talked.

"It was my...." I paused, unfurling myself from a tight ball.
"My mother died...."

"Calm down Felix" Kaiden soothed, I began to take a deep breath.

"My mother slit her wrists with the razor"
Silence, I'm sure he wasn't expecting that.

"Why would you-" he started to ask but I cut him off.

"Because the only way I'm leaving this shitty world is the same way my mother did" I snapped rubbing my temples. I remember it so clearly, my mother held 7 year old me tightly in her arms in a dark closet. I sat in her lap, she whispered something to me and slit her wrists. It was too dark for me to realise what happened, I only felt warm liquid. When the door opened, I saw red. I shivered,

"Felix, I'm coming over to help-"

"No!" I yelled sternly, I couldn't let him see me like this.
"You don't need to baby me! I hate pity! It makes me feel weak"

I hung up before he could say anything more. I can't handle him, he confuses me. I tournament him, threaten him and bully him yet he's still by my side.

"Well that was an interesting conversation" I looked up to see Luke holding my necklace by the chain with one finger, he held it away from him like it was contaminated. I dove for the necklace, he swiftly moved out of the way and I fell into the counter hitting my jaw. He chuckled lowly,

"You're always so amusing" he mused tossing the necklace. I caught it, feeling the familiar cool metal against my skin as my heart rate slowed.

"What do you want?" I snapped putting it on and holding it close to me.

"Relax little bird" He cooed smiling as he sat on the very edge of the couch as though it would make his expensive suit melt if he touched it.
"I'm only here to keep a deal"

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