Is He Sorry?

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[3rd Person Pov.]
The next morning, (Y/N) was the first one up with David. She asked David what Max, Neil, and Nikki usually did in the morning and decided to prep it all for them.

She prepared Neil's science-y stuff...

She put out a small box with small animals like lizards and bugs into a box for Nikki to play with...

And last, but not least, she made a cup of coffee for Max.

She thought of what Caleb did in the morning, and saw that he always brushed off this hoodie, so (Y/N) shook and brushed off the surface for him.

The next person to wake up was Max. "Hi, Max!" (Y/N) greeted. "I fixed a cup of coffee for you! David told me you drink that stuff." She held out the mug to him.

[Max's Pov.]
"Uh, thanks?" I replied, taking the mug. "Why are you being so nice to me? I was kinda acting like a jerk yesterday." It felt weird to admit I was wrong. I never really did that...

"Because I think everyone is good, and I like helping!" She continued to brush off her brother's (F/C) hoodie. I took a sip from my mug and thought about that phrase.


After everyone woke up and were doing their morning activities or not or whatever, (Y/N) followed me around. I didn't mind because Nikki was like that, but the way she always asked what I was doing was weird.

After- like- twenty minutes of this, I turned to her. "Why are you following me?" I yelled at her. She jumped a little from the sudden outburst.

"I-I just thought m-maybe we could hang out?" She looked down at her feet and kicked the dirt, making a small dust cloud that faded as quickly as it came.

"Look, you're nice and all, but we met literally yesterday. Go hang out with your brother or something."

"I'm always stuck with him! It's how twins are, Max."

"Well too bad." I walked away, leaving her behind me. Part of me felt really sorry for doing that to her because she was new, but part of me was relieved to get rid of her for a while.

I went to talk to Caleb, Nikki, and Neil who were back at the tent. "Hey, where's my sister?" Caleb asked, throwing a small ball in the air and catching it in his palm on his sleeping bag.

"Dunno. I left her out there somewhere, so she's probably-"

"You what!?" Caleb shrieked, standing up. "She won't last another five minutes out there by herself!"

"She's fine, Caleb. She's probably helping someone."

"Tell me exactly what happened." So I told him everything. Caleb looked really fed up and left the tent. I turned to Nikki and Neil.

Nikki was shaking her head with a frown. "I can't believe you did that to her. She's a new camper, Max."

"She was being annoying! Neil gets mad for us being annoying." I shoved my hands in my pockets.

Niel nodded. "I do, I know, but she's new. She got here just yesterday and she's been so nice lately," he explained.

I scoffed and left the tent. Who cares if they were new. She was probably scribbling something into a diary or crying her eyes out like any normal girl would. That's when I saw the weirdest thing....

(Y/N) was completely fine! She was walking around, talking to other people. She was talking to Preston about art or something when Caleb saw me looking and ran to her. He whispered something to her and she shook her head.

I walked up to them. "Uh, hey, (Y/N)," I said with a small smile.

"Hey, Max. Can I help you with anything?" she offered with a smile. I looked at her in the eyes and I saw a little sliver of sadness and anger in them.

"Uh, no, I guess?"

"Alright." She turned back to Preston who looked pretty confused. Preston excused himself and lead me away from the group. "What was that for? (Y/N) would've kept asking if you needed help."

I shrugged. "I kind of got her mad or sad or whatever emotion girls feel when someone tells them to stop bothering them."

"Max, she's new and she's really nice!" He put a hand on my shoulder. "She likes a lot of stuff at this camp and you shouldn't ruin that for someone so nice."

"Preston, she has a twin brother, they can hang out together." I brushed his hand off and walked away to Mess Hall to think.

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