He's Not Leaving

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[Max's Pov.]
I saw (Y/N) sitting under her favorite tree again. She was playing with what looked like a bird with some bread crumbs. Before she saw me, I shot behind a thick (T H I C C I'msosorry) tree.

I looked down at the little paper airplane in my hand. Maybe this'll work.

The plan was to give this to her to make her remember the first time we hung out together and so she remembers who she's talking to: -maybe- the guy she likes.

[(Y/N)'s Pov.]
You was alone in the forest with your favorite tree and a bird that came over to you for a morsel. You swore you heard something ruffling in the grass, but nothing was there.

You looked down at the bird again and smiled.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" said a shy but familiar voice. You looked up again to see Max. He nervously fiddled with his hands and he was blushing really intensely.

"Ugh, Max. What do you want this time?" You folded your arms after brushing bread crumbs off your hands. "You followed me to make fun of how I look again, huh."

"N-No... Something completely different." Max opened his hands to show a small paper airplane, just like the one you got from him last time. He walked up closer to you and handed it to you.

Your cheeks prickled with pink as you unfolded it.

Hey, (Y/N)

I've done a lot of stupid stuff, but I hope you can take me back. I love you.


Youre face heated up. This was unbelieveable! You looked up at him, and back at the note, then back at him. This went on for a while until he sat next to you, looking down at his hands in his lap. "You probably don't feel the same way after what I said and what I did. I just-"

You turned him to you and gave him a hug. Your cheeks exchanged heat when they were pressed together. Max obviously took this as a "A love you, too", because he returned the hug after being shocked for a good minute.


[Max's Pov.]
The word spread like widefire. (Y/N) and I were officially dating. I thanked David again after the event, but I noticed something behind David on the wall.

A calender.

August 29th.

The last day of summer was August 31.

"Wait, so we're going home tomorrow!?" I exclaimed. I saw (Y/N)'s face go pale from the corner of my eye.

"I'm afraid so, Max," was all David said, his smile fading. "You two could always just call each other."

"Like my parents would let me even touch a phone!" I yelled. The phone behind David began ringing.

"Wait here." He closed the door to go on the phone. A good ten minutes later, we were still at the door. (Y/N) was on the edge of a cliff to crying and I was thinking of way we could still see each other. Supposedly, she lives in another state, so that's already bad.

David opened the door and our concentration on thinking was cut. David's face was pale, he looked like he's heard or seen some shit, and I knew from his face he was going to tell us something bad. Really bad.

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