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[3rd Person Pov.]
David saw Max sitting by himself with a stick poking at the roots of a tree. He took a deep breath and walk right over to him. "Hello, Max! I thought you were with (Y/N)."

"I think I made her mad at me or she just doesn't like me anymore." Max kicked the dirt, scattering small pebbles.

"What!? What did you do?"

Max took a deep breath before spitting out words,"SoshewasfollowingmearoundalotandIgotreallyannoyedandtoldhertohangoutwithherbrotherCalebbutshesaidshedidn'twanttoandIsaidtoobadandIleftheraloneouthereandsheprobablyhatesme!" Max heaved in air after letting it all out through that one sentence.

"Alright, I understood half of that. Maybe you should just talk to her." David trying to smile as hard as he could, but he could only muster a very small one.

"I already tried. She just asked if I needed help and turned away."

"Hey," David started saying. He pat Max's shoulder like a father to a son. "an apology goes a long way." Max turned to (Y/N) who was sitting under her favorite tree, the one farthest from everyone but still on the campgrounds.


That night, Max glanced over at (Y/N) who was drawing on a page of her sketchbook. He looked down at the note in his lap. He carefully folded it into an airplane and flew it over to her. It landed softly on the pages in her sketchbook and he quickly left the tent.

(Y/N) was confused. There were a lot of people outside the tent, so she didn't know who threw it at her. She looked around before unfolded it.

Meet me under your favorite tree when the lights in the counselor's office turn off tonight.

(Y/N) was a little weirded out, but decided to go investigate.

That night, (Y/N) crawled out of her sleeping bag and gave a glance to the others and pulled on her hoodie before leaving. She strode over to her favorite tree and looked up at the silhouettes of the leaves that flew around in the cold wind.

"Hey, (Y/N)," said a familiar voice behind her. (Y/N) spun around to see Max pointing at the ground with a flashlight.

"Ugh, Max, what do you want?" (Y/N) folded her arms. This is the first time Max has seen her act like this.

"Look, I asked you here to say I'm sorry." Those two words rolled off his toung, leaving him with a bitter taste. "I shouldn't have told you go leave me alone. I never had good friends except Nikki and Niel so it makes sense that you wanted to hang out with me."

(Y/N) stepped forward and took Max's hand. "It's alright, Max." Max felt his face grow warm. No one really dared to touch him this way unless it was to drag him somewhere.

"Y-Yeah. Let's just get back."

~The Next Morning~

(Y/N) walked out of the counselor's office with David. "I must say, you are such a social butterfly!" David gushed.

"Oh, I know!~" replied (Y/N).

David left when Dolf called his name to help him remove a hot glue gun he accidently glued to his arm. Max walked up to her with Caleb, Nikki, and Niel. "What did you do in there?" Nikki asked.

"I suggested a dance camp and I will be teaching!" (Y/N) announced excitedly.

"What? That's great!" Caleb exclaimed, hugging his sister. "You haven't danced in a while. How are you doing to do it?"

"I have my ways. Here, lemme show you how I teach." She aligned Caleb about three feet next to her. After some practice with some moves, she took out David's phone and typed something in.

"Isn't that-" Nikki started saying.

(Y/N) smirked. "David's phone? Yeah. I took it when he was in front of me with his back turned."

Huh... Max thought. Maybe we will get along.

She put up one of the most familiar and most annoying songs ever and lead Caleb through the section.

[Max's Pov.]
As (Y/N) and Caleb were dancing, I couldn't help but turn away for a couple seconds everytime (Y/N) emphasized her hips or waist. I just didn't want anyone to see my expression. Nikki must've seen because he nudges me in the side. I yelped and shot her a dirty look.

I had to admit, those two were really good at danxing. They moved in a really synchronized way and it made it look like they were robots copying each other's actions.

"So, what do you guys think?" (Y/N) asked after the dance was over.

"That was really good, (Y/N)!" Niel exclaimed, clapping with Nikki. "You'll be a great teacher!"

"Thanks!" (Y/N) giggled. "How about you teach me something, Caleb. You're always so picky when it comes to teaching me stuff and stuff." (Stuff and stuff)

"Fine, fine." Caleb showed her a couple moves before taking the phone.

Nikki was going wild. She was whistling and clapping and cheering even though we were just a small group of teens.

(Y/N) took a playful bow with Caleb. I had to admit, those two weren't all bad.

Especially (Y/N).

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