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(I've gotten used to writing in 3rd person pov., so that's the point of view this book will be for the rest of the book.)

(Y/N) made sure Max was asleep before feeling the cold silver chain that her guardian angel had blessed her with. They turned to the nightstand to see three things: the alarm clock that said 2:54 a.m., a small package wrapped in brown paper, and a book. This was no ordinary book.

It's brown leather cover was calling to (Y/N). In the center of the cover, it was an eye like the charm on their necklace in gold. They ran their fingers around the edges of the eye, thinking.

They took the package in their hands. They carefully peeled back the paper to reveal a thin pale yellow sweater with a brick pattern on the bottom part and a pair of black leggings. With it was a note: You never wear yellow, but I thought this would suit you now that we know each other.

They smiled and hugged the folded sweater, knowing something is coming up for them.

On the other hand, Bill was gazing through a pool of water in a small bird bath, another entity floating beside him. The entity brushed off his four blue corners before straightening up. "I don't understand why you chose this human," Disk said. (I'm not actually sure what his name is.) "Out of the billions of humans on Earth, you choose this fragile child."

"Listen, Disk, they're fragile, just as you said," Bill said, leaning on his cane. "They're easier to control. They thinks I'm a guardian angel sent from their deceased parents to watch over them. I could tell this child anything and mention their parents and they'll do as I say."

"There are many people like this, Cipher."

"They're... Different. I sense it in their blood. One of their ancestors weren't human, Disk." Bill's single eye crease as if he were smiling. "They're not fully human."


Max woke up at 6 a.m. with Caleb, their single alarm clock between the two beds blaring. Max felt the other side of the bed. It's cold.

"Hey, where's (Y/N)?" Max asked Caleb as they both dragged themselves out of bed.

"Maybe they're awake already. They can be like that. We'll just have to see what they're doing to make sure they're alright."

And, boy, were they acting odd. Lemme tell you, my readers.

(Y/N) was in the kitchen, sitting at the marble peninsula, the book in their hands. Their eyes darted across the pages, taking in the knowledge of what'll happen and what their necklace possessed other than charms.

When Max and Caleb stepped into the kitchen, fully dressed, they jumped. Max looked at her with a concerned look. "We didn't even say anything. Are you alright?" Max asked.

"Yeah. Where did you get that yellow sweater? You never wear yellow," Caleb pointed out.

"O-Oh! This old thing?" (Y/N) stampered. They turned, the black stool turning with them. "I-It's just a s-sweater I-I never wore. I-I thought I-I would wear i-it today."

Max shrugged it off. He believed it. He didn't pay attention to the stuttering like Caleb did. Caleb knew (Y/N) better than anyone. Caleb knew something was wrong.

When they got too school, David lead them to the cafeteria for shelter, the temperature outside too cold for them. "Are you sure you don't need a jacket, (Y/N)?" asked David, concerned for his child. "That sweater doesn't look like it's helping."

"No, I'm alright, Dad! Go off to your office and finish up the last of that paperwork," (Y/N) replied, their normal smile on their face.

"Oh, yeah! Wait, how did you know about that paperwork?"

"N-Nothing! Nevermind!" (Y/N)'s smiled faded as fast as it appeared and quickly shuffled into the cafeteria, going to the farthest table in the corner where no one wanted to sit. Max was about to go to them when Caleb grabbed him by the shoulder. "Something is wrong. Like, really wrong."

"Yeah, so I'm going to go to them and help." Max yanked his arm away and started walking again.

"No, she needs time!"

"What if time doesn't work!?" Max picked up the pace.

Max sat beside (Y/N) who was reading the book again. (Y/N) flinched and scoot away a little. "Hey, bookworm, what's up?" Max started saying. "You've had your face in that book for a while. What's it called?"

"I-I don't know... The Book I-I guess..." (Y/N) squeaked.

"Seriously? Who names a book that? That's like calling an anciety doary book 'The Journal'," Max playfully rolled his eyes, expecting (Y/N) to get all defensive like they usually did and punch him on the arm. But it never happened. (Y/N) burried their face deeper into the pages of the book.

An awkward silence settled in.

"This is the boy you need to get rid of?" Disk asked, his eyes turning up from the water and to the yellow triangle.

"This boy and a girl. Then I'll convince them that they can have anything- Anything at all! They'll agree and we'll be able to go hand in hand."

"How will that work?"

"I'll send them out as a normal child to attack the most important people in the world first, then when she's ready, Six Fingers will be next."

"And if they don't agree?"

"They have too. If they don't, I have these three to have on my hands." Bill waved his hand through the water, distorting the vision of Max and (Y/N) to three separate ones: David, Gwen, and Caleb.

"David is the father, Gwen is the mother, and Caleb is the twin brother," Bill explained.

"Why not take the brother instead?" Disk asked.

"Good question," Bill said, adjusting his hat. "His boy doesn't possess what (Y/N) does. He was extracted of this magic blood at a young age, but (Y/N)'s was spared by her original mother and father. They needed a way to keep the magic blood flowing."

"I understand." Disk gazed in the water.

"They'll be changed. They'll be different. They'll be more alert."

They gazed into the water together, it slowly changing back to a sight of (Y/N) and Max.

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