New Campers

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[(Y/N)'s Pov]
You bounced in your seat and trying not to accidently pull the string out of her (F/C) hoodie on the bus next to Caleb, your twin brother. You were so excited to go to Art Camp! Of course, Caleb thought that was boring, so he signed up for Combat Camp.

The bus stopped, giving a huge lurch. "We're here!" you shouted, grabbing your backpack and sprinting to the door. Caleb sluggishly followed, dragging his green duffle bag. The doors of the bus opened.

"Hello, new campers! Welcome to Camp Campbell!" the tall man with red hair and vibrant green eyes said. "I'm David, your camp counselor!"

Because Caleb was having a hard time with his bag, you flung your backpack onto your shoulder and lifted the other side of the duffle bag for him. You two carried it off the bus, leaving the weird buz driver as he drove away.
"My, what a helpful one we have here!" David said, crouching down to your height. "How about we go to Mess Hall so you two can meet everyone?"

You bounced on the tips of your toes. It was probably from the adrenaline rushing through your viens. "Sure!" You grabbed the edge of Caleb's bag and started carrying it to Mess Hall. "Come on, Caleb, hurry up!"


"What did we just see?" Caleb asked as you two left Mess Hall.

"I don't know, but I helped and no one got hurt! I think... Did someone get hurt?"

"HI, I'M NIKKI!" shouted a girl after she dropped from the roof, almost face first, in front of you two. (*claps* me)

"Uh, hi! Are you okay?" you replied, helping her up.

"Yup!" The girl brushed her curly aqua colored pigtails behind her back and dusted off her red overalls and yellow shirt.

"Nikki, don't do that!" you heard a boy call behind you. You and Caleb spun around to see a tall, thin boy with a yellow turtleneck and curly brown hair coming out of Mess Hall with another boy who had tan skin, black curly hair, bright green eyes, and a blue hoodie.

"Niel, I'm fiiiine!!" Nikki told him.

"Don't 'I'm fine' me! You could've snapped your arms or your legs in half!"

"I don't know why you care, Niel. She looks fine, there's so blood, who cares?" said the boy with the bright green eyes.


You dug through a pocket in your backpack, pulled out a whistle, and blew into it. The group turned to you. "Ok, ok, stop fighting guys! It's our first day here, and we don't want to be stuck next to each other because the people here are crazy!"

"Sorry. Nikki somehow stacked some chairs, climbed through a trapdoor in the cieling and got onto the roof of Mess Hall. You're new right? Just call yourselves our friends." You heard Max mumble "Real smooth, Niel..."

"Well, a good start is your names? I'm (Y/N) and this is my twin brother, Caleb." Caleb gave a short wave with one hand and ran a hand through his hair with the other.

"I'll go first!" Nikki stated. "I'm Nikki, and I love nature and-" Max slapped his hand over her mouth. "You don't want to hear the rest of her rant."


"I'm Niel and everyone knows me as the scientist, I guess." Niel rubbed his arm.

"Maybe I can help you some time?"


"Max. I hate this place. I want to escape," said the last one, rolling his eyes.

"Oookkk??... Wel, I think this olace is cool! I'm going to be a lot of art and stuff, so all these trees will give me something to do."

"Max!~" you heard David call. He walked down the path to the group. "Oh, I see that you have made friends already! That's wonderful!"

"I'm not their friend."

"Well you're going to be. Max, can you please show (Y/N) and Caleb to your tent? The last one was ahem... destroyed by Nurf... so they'll be staying with you, Niel, and Nikki!"

"Yay! Friends!" you shouted, as you and Nikki hugged.


[Max's Pov.]
Great, more brats to take care of. I've been coming here for three fucking years and I've had to save Nikki and Niel's asses too many times.

"Fiiine. I'm only doing this because they're going to be stuff with me anyways." I started walking down the path to the tents. (Y/N) and Caleb shuffled down the path well behind me. I guessed it was because they wanted to look around, but when I turned, I saw (Y/N) desperately trying to lift the other side of a green duffle bag with Caleb. "C-Come o-on, Caleb! We g-got this!"

I felt something spark in me. I never really tried to help anyone unless it was someone pathetic like David that one time about the Sparrow thing. (Y/N) was working herself out to help the whole time and she's only been here for an hour!

When we got to the tent, Caleb and (Y/N) rolled their duffle bag inside. "Thanks, (Y/N)."

"No problem!" (Y/N) smiled and you could practically see the halo above her head.

I was about to walk out when I heard (Y/N) say something to me. "Uh, Max? Why are you so... edgy?"

"Because I choose to, alright. This place sucks, the people here sucks, everything is tacky, what can I be happy about?"

"You can be happy to have a fresh start with us! I don't see anyone as bad or anything until I know them for a while, so you can hang out with me or Caleb!"

I hesitated. It was really nice of her to do this. Too nice. Could I trust them?...

"Fine. I'll start with (Y/N). Talk to you later." I walked out, not knowing what I was getting myself into.


EYYYYYYYYY HI. mintyphantom is probably gonna sai something like "I knew you would like Camp Camp" or something because she's the one who showed it to me.

I saw a lot of Camp Camp fanfic too, so I read a couple and thought of some ideas for this!~


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