Secret Revealed

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[3rd Person Pov.]

(Y/N) and the rest tried to stya together. After school, they managed to find only Nikki, Neil, Preston, and Space Kid(who actually takes off his helmet the school). Max yelled,"WHO THE FUCK FOUND SPACE KID!?"

"Ahem, I did," Caleb said confidently.

"Aw, come on, Max! He's pretty cool!" (Y/N) reasoned with her lover.

"Fine," Max muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets and hiding 25% of his face in the corners of his hood. Preston was fangirling in the corner while Nikki asked,"How did you get him to do that?"

"He always listens to me," (Y/N) replied, walking over to Max's side and grabbing his hand. Max's cheeks reddened as everyone "Awwwww!"-ed.

"Do NOT fucking do that!" Max shouted.

"Hey!" a voice said. "Language!" Everyone turned around to see a familiar face.

"David!" Nikki exclaimed, running up to him. Everyone took a second to process this information and ran at him all at once. What David was wearing brought Max memories from that ONE FUCKING DAY.

David wore a white polo shirt with khakis. "Why the fuck are you dressed like Daniel?" Max exclaimed.

"Oh, I didn't even notice that," David said. "It's alright, though! I promise that it'll never happen again! David was happy and had a smile as bright as the sun as usual, but he seemed "happier" if that makes any sense.

"What's with the get-up? And why are you here?" Neil asked.

"Well, I managed to get a job here as one of the counselors!" All at once, everyone started shouting and yelling. Nikki silenced everyone by screamed for everyone to shut up. "(Y/N) wants to say something!"

"Thanks, Nikki," (Y/N) said. "Who's the other counselor?"

"Wellll..." David started saying. "This is when everyone is going to start yelling again... but it's Gwen!" Everyone, of course, lost it.

"But it's it illegal for a cou-" Caleb started saying.

"Caleb! Not yet, alright!" David exclaimed, shushing him.

"Not yet" what?... (Y/N) thought to herself.


After David found Gwen, they drove home. When everyone was lounging in the living room, (Y/N) looked at David with curious eyes and asked,"Dad, what did you want Caleb to shush about?" Max looked up from his phone. "Now that i think about it, it was kinda weird. You're always telling us to say what's on your minds and shit." Gwen looked away and David fiddled with his thumbs, his smile becoming awkward.

"W-Well, th-that's a surprise, (Y-Y/N)," David said as a lame excuse.

"Awww, but I wanna know now!" (Y/N) whined.

"Gwen?..." David said, turning to Gwen. She sighed and turned around to face the three kids.

"Alright then... we have to tell them someday." There was a moment of silence, the two waiting for the other to say it. They both gave up and said at the same time, their cheeks pink,"We're engaged!" They looked at each other and said "I was supposed to say it!" at the same time.

(Y/N) squealed her head off. Caleb shouted,"STOP IT YOU SOUND LIKE A FUCKING PIGLET."

Max pounded a fist on the coffee table, making the coasters rattle. "Hold the shit, WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU EVEN START DATING!?"

"Well, two years ago," they said together. "We didn't want to announce it at the camp because someone might stab another or something," Gwen said.

(Y/N) squeezed Gwen in a hug. "No regrets," Gwen said with a smile.


I'm writing a really important post for my blog book. Please go read it after reading this.

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