I Admit It!

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Max met up with rhe gand at lunch like normal, but (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen.

"I saw them go into the gym, but the door is usually locked on Tuesdays, so I don't know how they just opened the door and walked in," Arid said, cleaning a pair of sunglasses she wasn't even going to wear.

"But I saw them walk to the bathroom. That one was locked because a plumbing problem, but when they opened the locked door there wasn't anything wrong," Space Kid suggested.

Everyone was saying they saw (Y/N) at the most random places. Nikki said they were with David and went into his office, but when they went to check, she wasn't there. Neil said he saw them hanging out with some juniors, so after he described them they asked and they said they didn't know anyone named (Y/N).

Max was pretty ticked off by his point. He was about to do one of his raging shouts or lectures when there was a shriek at the elevated circle where people usually danced on on Fridays. Everyone turned and the few people on there jumped off except two people.

Jane and (Y/N).

(Y/N) grabbed her by the collar of her black sweater that matched her black hair and shook her screaming things like "YOU FUCKING BASTARD" and "YOU'RE TRYING TO TAKE HIM" in a voice Max didn't remember. Jane tried pushing (Y/N) away, but it was no use. (Y/N)'s fist stretched out Jane's collar.

"(Y/N), stop!!" Max called from the crowd. The sea parted and he started running. (Y/N) clasped a hand over their right eye and the single one showing glew a bright yellow. The same yellow color surrounded Max before he lifted off the ground, being held like that. (Y/N) gave him an innocent smile, the one he remembered dearly. "It's alright, Maxwell!" they turned back to Jane.  "Everything will be over soon!"

Max was screaming his head off, his sight being clouded by tears already. This couldn't be happening. The most innocent person he knew was going to kill another girl because they were friends.

And it clicked in his mind.

It's because of that moment... he thought to himself.

There was nothing they could do now. (Y/N) was hovering in the air with Jane being dangled by her fist. Their hair drifted around in wind and it moved enough to where he could see the silver necklace around her neck. The eye was glowing a brilliant yellow and on the back of her sweater was a little yellow triangle.

The triangle peeled from the sweater and hovered above (Y/N). It pointed a black cane at Jane and shouted in a distorted voice full of triumph,"NOW KILL HER!"

David and Gwen came running out and they stared at (Y/N), eyes full of shock, mouths hanging open. David was the first to speak. "(Y/N), come down here! Don't do this!" he called to them.

"Mom and Dad would want me to," (Y/N) spat, referencing to her biological parents. She lifted Jane higher off the ground above everyone for everyone to see.

"Let's start with the body all the boys are chasing, shall we?" (Y/N) suggested. Jane was terrified. She wanted to look around at the crowd to see if anyone was going to help, but everyone was looking for the nearest exit. (Y/N) pressed her hand more onto her eye.

"This will help," Bill said, pushing her hand from her eye before placing a white eyepatch over it. That split second her eye was uncovered, it was solid black. The magic keeping them up faded for a second, letting them drop an inch. That's his target, the eyepatch.

If he can get the eyepatch, he can keep (Y/N) from hurting anyone.

The yellow triangle stood on the roof of the gym, bigger than he remembered him being, so that everyone can see him. "Hello, kids! I'm Bill Cipher the dream demon and (Y/N)'s guardian angel!" he started saying. "I see that everyone here is shaken, but it's all for a good cause! You see, this boy-" a darker shade of yellow surrounded Max as he was yanked to Bill's side, his arms glued to his body and his legs together. All he could do is turn his head to see the crowd. "-thought it was a good idea to flirt and have feelings for another person other than his own partner!"

Max felt tears swell in his eyes. He wasn't used to crying without David with him. He had to admit he did have feelings for Jane. He knows it's wrong. He knows it isn't supposed to work that way.

At least half of the crowd pierced glares at him. No one can forgive me this time, he thought, remmebering the mistakes he made with (Y/N) in the past. They've been dating for 7 months and it's going wrong. "Fucking fine! I admit it! I like Jane too! Are you fucking happy, you demonic asshole!?" Max blurted.

He turned to see Jane grinning at him and (Y/N)'s face full of rage. The shade of yellow lightened before he was yanked all the way back to the pair. "Who's the demonic asshole, Maxwell?" (Y/N) asked in their new distorted voice, their faces leaning in, Max being dangled by one his arm.

"You are," he said before reaching out for the white cloth.


Ok, ok, ok, ok, so, I have a vote for mt fellow readers of what'll happen next.

Vote by commenting "This one!" on the number of the option!

1. Somehow Ford and Dipper track down Bill and defeat him there by going into (Y/N)'s mind with Max because he refuses to let them go by himself and they're forced to erase all of (Y/N)'s memories because they truly believe Bill is helping them.

2. Max gets the eyepatch and we do the whole cliche "Remember who you are" scene.

3. Max fails to save (Y/N), but he manages to save Jane and Bill takes (Y/N) away to go "practice" killing people, using (Y/N) as his puppet. (This one will most likely make me make a second book for this.)

I hope you guys are enjoying the end!!!


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