Sorry, I Don't Remember...

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Max and Ford we're thrown onto the floor, (Y/N) dropped to they're knees, they're eyes cloudy. Max quickly sat up and ran to (Y/N). "(Y/N)?" Max yelled, on one knee, shaking them by the shoulders. "(Y/N), are you okay? Do you remember anything?"

"Uh, sorry, who are you? And who's (Y/N)?..." they said with a confused look. Tears swelled in Max's eyes. He wrapped his arms around them, crying into their shoulder, (Y/N)'s arms pinned to their sides. Ford stood up and said,"Max, I think it's time to let go. They're gone and they aren't coming back." Dipper walked to Ford side.

"Sorry, kid, it isn't going to help," he said. "You can teach them to be exactly how they used to be and nothing would change." Max looked at both of them, rage and tears in his eyes.

"No! We can fix this!!" he yelled and turned back to (Y/N). "(Y/N)! It's me! It's Max! I'm your boyfriend!" (Y/N) just looked even more confused. Max tore the eyepatch off their eye and brushed their hair out of their eyes. "You really are gone, aren't you?..."

"What do you mean? I'm sitting right in front of you," they said. This made Max feel even worse. None of this would've happened if...

"JANE GET YOU'RE FUCKING ASS OVER HERE!" Max hollered. Jane, who was just going to leave, slowly inched to the broken pair.

"Yes, Max?" she said in a shaky voice.

"Why did you do that!? The wink and the kiss and everything!? You knew I was in a relationship!" Max yelled. Jane stamped her foot on the ground. "You're the one who started liking me! You should've told yourself you had a girlfriend/boyfriend!" She stomped away, her black flats clicking on the cement floor, but Max heard running footsteps and sobs from the hallway. She can cry her little heart out if she wants to.

Max looked into (Y/N)'s cloudy eyes. The mark that would remind him of everything. Of this moment.

Max stood up and wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Bill shrieked at Ford. Ford showed no fear, his eyes set on the triangle.

"I did what I had to! Now that everyone here knows who you are, they aren't going to listen to you because of this event." Ford tilted his head down, but his stern eyes were made contact with Bill's. "Run while you can, Bill."


Bill was gone.

Ford and Dipper returned to work.

And most of all...

(Y/N) was gone.

When they saw Caleb back at the house, they said,"Hey, we look alike!" This sent Gwen to tears, remembering how this all happened. Caleb hugged (Y/N) and they akwardly hugged back. "Why is everyone crying? Did someone die?"

Max pulled his hood over his head, chin tucked into his chest, and walked upstairs. "What's his problem?" (Y/N) asked.

"(Y/N), that was your boyfriend. You two loved each other!" Caleb shouted.

"Sorry, I don't remember..."


And they all died- THE END

Just kidding xD

Okay, because I had so much fun writing this, after I make up a real author's note, I'll draft the SECOND BOOK!

I hope you all enjoyed this and I want to thank all of you guys for reading this!


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