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[Max's Pov.]
I woke up to David shaking me by the shoulder. "Max, we're home," David said as I rubbed my eyes. We were in David's car in the driveway of a blue house. It had two floors and a huge window at the front with white curtains. There was... another car.

"David... Why are you doing this for me?" I asked. "I've always acted like a jackass. How could you just take me in like this?"

"It's not your fault, Max. That's why." We got out of the car. (Y/N) woke up with I opened her door and questioned where we were before I lead her to the front door. David woke up Caleb and walked him over. Calb looked half-drunk.

David opened the door and said,"You three go inside. I'll get the bags."

Caleb's eyes widened and he stepped inside. "Does he live with someone or something?"

"I don't think so. If he does, maybe it's a sibling or something," I suggested.

"David? David, are you back?" called a familiar voice.

"Uh, he is. Who are you?" I called back.

"Ugh, wait there!" From the stairs that faced the opposite way on our left came down Gwen in a white t-shirt and shorts. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" she asked.

"We were gonna ask the same thing!" Caleb replied.

"I live here, ya dingus." Gwen pat Caleb's head. "What about you guys?"

"David adopted (Y/N) and I after our parents... left." I saw Caleb's skin go white and (Y/N) took a breath. "David told us they couldn't find the bodies. We might go to the cemetery some other time," (Y/N) said casually.

Gwen sat us on the couch to our right and went to help David with our bags. "I-I'll help!" (Y/N) offered. Gwen turned her down and (Y/N) stayed seated.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked (Y/N). (Y/N) gave me a weak smile and nodded. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and left to check on Gwen and David. They were heaving a green duffle bag up the driveway from the trunk.

"What the hell did Caleb put in that thing?..." I mumbled to myself.

"Stuff. A lot of stuff. I managed to sneak a lot of technology with me," Caleb stated.

"Did you bring my phone?" (Y/N) asked, her eyes wideneing with excitement.


"Yes!" (Y/N) threw her fists in the air and Caleb pat her head. She was always so cheerful about everything. She was just so happy all the time.

This was exactly why I loved her.


David took us upstairs to a room that wasn't full of stuff. They really needed to throw away some stuff. Most of them were pictures of campers.

The room wasn't huge but wasn't small. It was a rectangular room with white walls and a window with light blue curtains. There were two beds, one for two people and one for one person, both with white sheets and pilows. "The best thing about this room is that at 11:11 to 11:58 p.m., you get to see the moon out this window directly in front of you!" David stated.

(Y/N) wrapped her arms around David's torso. "Thank you so much, David! We wouldn't know what to do without you!" Caleb grabbed my wrist and pulled us into the hug. I had to admit, I was really happy to be here. Everything was turning around.

David looked like he was overflowing with happiness as he put us to bed. Of course, (Y/N) and I slept in the same bed. Caleb suggested it, too. It felt weird to becaue we just started dating, but we've never really been in relationships before. Plus, this is the girl I gave my first kiss to! Why not? (Y/N) felt really awkward about this, so she scooted closer to the other edge like me.

After David made sure we were alright, Gwen, who was standing in the doorway, said,"Alright, David, stop being such a dad and go to sleep."

"First of all, I am their father now, and second of all, I was just about to do that," David replied, matter-of-factly. Once Gwen and David were gone, I gave (Y/N) a quick kiss before going to sleep.

[3rd Person Pov.]
The next morning, David made an appointment with the CPS to have a meeting about Max. They told him that they had time next month on September 15th.

"Tomorrow is the first day of school! How about this, I'll give each of you... 50 dollars. You get to choose your own school supplies!" David offered. The three 13-year-olds agreed. They were taken to a huge store of supplies (Not trying to get sued here.) and were let to wonder while he left to get a dresser. (David's a great dad. He let his kids walk alone.)

I got the plainest stuff there because everything that was decorated was really tacky. Black backpack, regular pencils, 7.0 lead pencils, paper, notebooks, blah blah blah. Caleb and (Y/N) got pretty much the same stuff as me but (Y/N) got the supplies with things like (F/A)s (Favorite Animals), a backpack with cat/dog ears, and other stuff. I'm sure it was a girl thing. We ended up getting $20.56 let over to give back to David.

We left with our stuff in our backpacks and left the store to meet up with David. After that, David had to take them to another store for clothes. Max had to be forced, though.


[3rd Person Pov.]
David helped the three make sure they had everything in their bags ready for school the next morning that night. When David was making sure Caleb was put to bed without technology, (Y/N) was asleep and muttered,"Night, Dad..." David was touched straight to the heart. He never thought of having kids at all, but he guessed that this was all he needed. He pat (Y/N)'s head before leaving.

The next morning, David woke the three up at 6:30 a.m.. "It's so earlyyy..." Max complained.

"It's better to be early than late! Now, come on, stop being a big baby!" David pulled Max out of bed. (Y/N) was already out of bed and brushing her teeth in the bathroom in their room. She spat into the sink and rinsed her mouth before hopping out and digging in her dresser. "Guys, it's our first day of highschool! New year, new school, new faces, everyrhing is going to be amazing!"

Max loved seeing his lover like this. He thought it was really cute because of the childishness. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it, (Y/N)," Caleb said, getting out of bed to brush his teeth. (Y/N) took out some clothes and ran down the hall to the second bathroom to change.

When she came back, she was dressed in a (F/C) sweater that covered her hands in her sleeves, dark blue jeans, and her backpack on her back. Her hair was down and straight. "I'm ready!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Max pulled on his normal blue hoodie and said,"You took a while. That, the straightener thing wasn't working?"

"No, it just takes a while." She folded her arms and Caleb walked out of the bathroom wesring pretty much what she was wearing. Max snickered and they stared at each other. "You need to change, Caleb," (Y/N) demanded.

"Ahem, no. If you have a problem with it, you'll change!"

"Caleb! (Y/N)! No fighting!" David called from down the hall.

"Sorry, Dad!/David!" they said at the same time.

Caleb gave in and changed into a red hoodie and black jeans. David put them in the car with their stuff and Gwen waved as they pulled out of the driveway.

"Daaad, Caleb keeps poking me!" (Y/N) complained.

"Caleb, hands to yourself! It's not nice to touch people without their permission," David stated.

"When did you start calling David 'Dad'?" Caleb asked.

"Last night. He's getting used to it."

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