I Really Messed Up...

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[3rd Person Pov.]
That night, when everyone was asleep, Max was sitting on (Y/N)'s bed flipping through her sketchbook. A lot of them were doodles of characters, but his favorites were the ones of trees and sceneries like the lake with a sunset.

"Max? What are you doing?" he heard (Y/N) ask him. He dropped the sketchbook and scrambled onto the ground to retrieve it. "I-I was just bored a-and I saw your sketchbook, s-so I though I-I could look in it for a bit. Where were you?" Max sputtered.

"I was at the counselor's office to ask David about something and it's alright..." Max handed her the book and she hugged it to her chest. Max felt like he was sweating a bit from the (very) small talk and his face heated up a little from either embarrassment or... something else. He couldn't really tell what "something else" was.

(Y/N) slid the sketchbook into her backpack. "What are you at this camp for, anyways?" (Y/N) asked.

"I-I... That's a long story..." Max rubbed him arm.

(Y/N) sat next to Max. "It's alright. I have all night."

So, Max told (Y/N) everything. It all started on Parents Day three years before the time, but Max's parents didn't show up. For the sake of the day, Max was labeled as Gwen and David's son. Max was supposed to show the parents that attended what he learned at Camp CampBell in his camp, but Gwen found out he wasn't signed up for any camps Camp CampBell provided.

"So how did you get here?" (Y/N) asked softly. Tears were pricking Max's eyes, so he turned away, not wanting (Y/N) to see him cry. He didn't reply. "Max, tell me how you got here," (Y/N) demanded.

"I ran away!" Max spat. (When the next episode comes out, this might not be cannon.) He wiped his eyes with his sleeve. (Y/N) was surprised at his sudden outburst. Max softened his voice and said,"I left a note on the nightstand in my shitty parents' room that said I would call them at the end of summer for them to pick me up every summer."

Max felt arms wrap around him and (Y/N) whispered to him,"It's alright. If they don't like you, everyone else does." The two exchanged body heat before looking at each other.

[Max's Pov.]
I felt my cheeks heat up as (Y/N) grew red. What little moonlight that shone from the cracks in the zipper shone on her hair and skin.

"You're pretty, you know that?..." I unconsciously said.


I mentally slapped myself. "i said you look shitty."

(Y/N) looked a little hurt. "Wh-What?"

"Just go to sleep, I have a lot of shit to think about."

"A-Alright. G'night, Max." (Y/N) stood up and laid down on her sleeping bag next to Caleb.


The next morning, (Y/N) gave me my usual cup of coffee, helped Nikki, Neil, and Caleb, and left the tent without another word and without a second glance at me. I must've really hurt her feelings last night.

"What's up with (Y/N)?" Caleb asked us.

"Dunno. She seems normal to me," Nikki said with a shrug.

"No, no, no, you guys don't know (Y/N) like I do. (Y/N) always plays with a strand of her hair on her right side when she's either nervous, sad, disappointed, or mad."

"Wow, we have a psychologist in this camp," Neil joked. "but, if there was something wrong with her, wouldn't she have told you?"

"Oh course not! (Y/N) is extremely secretive when it comes to strong feelings."

In my head, thoughts and memories flashed. I called her fucking shitty last night! What the fuck is wrong with me!? I must've really hurt her feelings this time. She's been here for two weeks, Max! Two weeks and you ruin her whole summer!

Then two questions popped in my head:

"Why does she care?"

"Why do you care?"

Well, I care because shes nice. Really nice. She's nice, thoughtful, responsible, kind, helpful, and is just so utterly perfect I can't sto-

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Max, collect yourself. (Y/N) is just a friend. Or was. She probably hates you now... no way the girl you liked would talk to you after that.

I decided that this was the end of the short friendship we had. I drank the last of my coffee and stood up. "I... I have to talk to David really quick." I strode out of the tent, feeling the three pairs of eyes piercing at my back.

I took a breath before knocking on the door. David opened it and greeted me with a smile. "Why, hello there, Max! Is there something I can help you with?"

"Uh, yeah. It's about (Y/N)." I nervously rubbed the back of my neck. His eyes widened for a second and he lead me into the office.

"So, what happened this time?" David asked, looking through a newspaper.

"I accidently called (Y/N) shitty..." I admitted.

David looked like he nearly choked on his own spit. "How in the world would you 'accidently' call her that!?"

"I-I called her something else and I thought it was embarrassing so I said shitty instead!"

"What did you call her at first then?" David asked, looked up from the papers.

"I-I called her p-pretty..." I admitted, looking down at my feet in attempt to hide my heated face.

"Ah, I see," David replied with a sympathetic smile. "You just have crush-jitters, that's all. The best way to get rid of those problem is to confess, Max."

"Wh-What!? I can't do that! I'll embarrass myself! I'll say stupid shit like some cheesy fucking romance movie!"

David didn't even bother telling me to watch my mouth. "Max, it'll be fine. If she really loves you, she'd say she has the same feelings no matter how you present yourself."

"That was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard but..." I gave David a quick hug. A second quicker than our last. That was three years ago. I smiled at him. "Thanks, David! You're the best!" I left the office with the smile and his waving at me. I can't believe I said that.

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