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(More people voted for the first option, so I guess I'm doing that.)

Everything went still for a moment. The moment Max thought he would win. (Y/N)'s skin glew a soft yellow before it expanded, throwing everything off around her. Jane tumbled onto the floor, everyone in the crowd was pushed back, but Max got it worse.

Max flung through the crowd, pushing everyone away from him, through a metal bars of the gate, leaving him with scratches and a rip in his hoodie on his arm, and he stopped when he hit a tree outside in the parking lot.

Max left drops of blood rolling down the side of his face from a gash above his eyebrow and stinging from his right are where a rip in his sleeve was showing. He assumed he had a gash there too. We heard footsteps as two people ran towards him.

One was a little older than him, maybe 15 (since this is three years later) and the other was maybe in his late 60s, early 70s, but somehow running. "Crap, we're too late!" the younger one shouted, dropping to his knees at Max's side. The other crouched on his other side.

He could barely see them. His vision became blurry and he was close to passing out. Max felt a sudden impact on his cheek that made his head jerk to the left for a second. He straightened up, suddenly remembering what was happening. "(Y/N)!?" he shouted, half expecting himself to be in bed and (Y/N) was just struggling for getting him out of a nightmare, but it was all around him.

"Sorry about that. I didn't know another way to get you to stay awake," the older man apologized. "Dipper, go inside the school and evacuate as much people you can." The teen nodded and ran into the school.

As the man was tending to the cuts Max wielded, Max was processing what was happening. "Who are you?" Max asked him.

"The name's Stanford Pines, but just call me Ford. The boy who just ran inside the school is my great nephew, Mason, but he's called by Dipper."

"I'm Max..."

"Nice to meet you Max." Ford started wrapping Max's arm with a roll of bandages.

"Why are you guys here? It's fucking insane in there and you sent a kid in!"
"Dipper has been Bill before and knows what he's doing. Him and his twin sister have been helping me this summer. I pulled them both out of school for a while because I tracked down Bill in this area." Ford tied up the bandages around Max's arm and pulled up the sleeve to keep it from touching the wound. "I'm not sure how he got here. The only way I know of is he got into someone's mind who lives here."

"Yeah, he's in my fucking girlfriend's/boyfriend's mind!" Then it struck him.

Fucking fine!...

I admit it!...

I like Jane too!...

Tears swelled in Max's eyes. He quickly wiped them away and got up. His ankle had rolled a little, so every step he took towards the school was painful. "What do you think you're doing!?" Ford exclaimed, blocking the way when Max reached the broken gate. "You have no idea what Bill is capable of. He's here and only Dipper and I can stop him."

"Oh, yeah? And how are you gonna do that, grandpa?" Max spat.

Ford scoffed. "We're going to erase the memory of (Y/N) meeting Bill. If we do that, they'll loose whatever magic they were given and won't know Bill. Afterwards, Diper will use a device to make a forcefield around the school that'll push Bill out. My friends will help after that."

"And if it doesn't work?"

"There is no 'if'."

"Alright then. I'm coming with you."

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