Uh Oh

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[3rd Person Pov.]
School was going great for everyone. David and Gwen were planning to have their wedding at Camp Campbell the next summer, the kids were loving school so far, and Max was happy. He even made some friends of his own.

There was Jake. He was a really cool guy. He always wore either a purple hoodie or a black leather jacket and was a year older than him. His hair always had that plasticy sort of look and was grown a little long to his shoulders.

Joshua was also a freshman. He had black round glasses that were a few sizes too big for his face, so he was constantly pushing them up the bridge of his nose. He had non-generalized social anxiety and was too scared to actually introduce himself, so Max had to talk to him first.

Then there was Jane. Jane was what everyone called the "pretty-and-popular" girl. She had straight black hair was fell around her shoulders and piercing blue eyes. She was known for a guitar case that she carried around school for her music class. It doesn't sound special at all but everyone thought it was the coolest thing ever.

Jane and Max's connection was different from the other's. Max didn't know how to put it into words. Jane and him just seemed to fit together. Jane was really nerdy when it came to music and always talked about it. Max thought it was funny how she would abruptly spew out her knowledge on music and who made the first what in a genre.

(Y/N) noticed this connection between the two, but didn't think much of it. She knew that Max loved her and only her. (Y/N) would see them walking around at lunch talking and laughing and just think about how happy Max was.

That Friday, the school planned an event. At lunch, they would play music that was suggested by yhe students and have the kids do whatever they want, no rules what so ever. Of course the kids were too scared to vandalize anything or break anything, so everyone did what schools hated: Making crowds.

Jane started it all. She tapped Max softly on the shoulder and nodded to the small elevated circle where they were playing the music. Max instantly knew what was happening and violently shook his head. Jane rolled her eyes and went up by herself.

Stepping down, everyone cheered. Jane waved and blew kisses, one directly at Max. For some reason, he felt his cheeks heat up. He mentally slapped himself. Get it together Max! he yelled at himself. You have a girlfriend already!


I was pondering wether to continue thin book or not, so sorry for the late update. But, as you can see, I have something in store for you guys!



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