Author's Note

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My name is Lola/Lucas Saechao and, at the moment, I'm 12 years old in seventh grade.

I was always told I was an extremely advanced writer in school and I could get even better if I kept writing, so when I found WattPad it sent me down this road to improvement.

This book was heavily inspired by an RP my friend mintyphantom and I started where one character who's about the opposite of Max is dating Max.



Q1: Why do you write?
A1: I see it way to help with improvement and it's really fun to do.

Q2: What made you want to write?
A2: In 6th grade, I always had an A+ in writing and I asked my teacher about it. He said that I was just more advanced than the other students and I could write an essay without editting and get at least a B. This made me think "Yeah I could be a writer if I have nothing else to do."

Q3: Why do you write at such a young age?
A3: I feel like it. It's a feeling in my gut that keeps telling me "You have other abilities too."

Q4: What else do you do other than writing?
A4: I do a lot of art, singing, dancing, and I've written two songs that haven't been published yet.

If you have any other questions, comment them here and I'll add them in!

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