First Day

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[(Y/N)'s Pov.]
You jumped out of the car, straightened your backpack on your back, and looked at the school. It was the cliche brick-walled school. The three of you walked in, looking at the papers in your hands. Because you three were labeled as "siblings", you all had the same homeroom. After homeroom for you was math, then history, then science, then gym, then your elective, THEN this class called "leadership class" at the end of the day.

"Our homeroom is just down this hall," Caleb stated, leading (Y/N) and Max. You three sat at desks in the second row. Everyone, of course, turned their heads to you and Caleb. It was just part of being twins: getting unneeded attention. "Everyone needs to keep their eyes to themselves," Max complained, resting his head on his palm.

"You jealous that we're getting more attention than you?" you asked.

"Psh, of course not." Max rolled his eyes. "I'd rather be alone than stared at and crowded."

The teacher walked in with a clipboard. She took roll call, of course, and turned to the class with her hands folded. "Will anyone like to come up to the front to introduce themselves?" Caleb and your hand shot up in the air at the same time.

"Alright. For the twins, I'll let you both go up." Caleb and (Y/N) smiled and walked up to the front. Caleb was never really the type to talk first, so you started off by saying,"Hi, everyone. I'm (Y/N) and this is my twin brother Caleb!"

"We moved here about two days ago with a friend of ours-" you winked at Max who turned away "-after we got adopted."

"Caleb can dance," (Y/N) said casually. "He can show you guys!" The classroom started up in whispers. Caleb was blushing with embarrassment. He whispered to you,"(Y/N), why did you do that!?..."

"Trust me, it'll boost your confidence afterwards." You turned to the teacher and gestured her to bend down. You whispered something to her and she nodded. She went on her phone and typed something in. When the music started, the classroom went quiet. "We got this, Caleb. You're not doing it alone." Caleb took a deep breath and smiled.

(I know I use Shape of You a lot, but it's just that a lot of songs are really sexualized and I don't want to go down there anytime soon.)

After the dance, the class clapped and Max gave a wide smile. Whent he class settled down, Caleb said,"And (Y/N) can do tutting!"

"It's not that hard."

The class "Oohh"-ed and "Ahh"-ed for a bit before you two sat down. A couple other kids went up, talked about themselves, and showed a talent they had. The only person who didn't go up was Max. You understood him, though. No one understood him more than you, David, and Caleb did.

The bell rang and everyone hurried off to class.


Then the bell rang for lunch, Max texted you.

[Meet up @ the cafeteria?]

[Cya there!]

You put your things in your backpack and hurried off to the cafeteria. It was huge and had multiple round blue tables scattered around, a line of kids waiting to get food, and a window to get the food. Caleb and you had a bad habit of refusing to eat at school and Max just didn't like school food. You three planned to make lunches that night for tomorrow.

"How are you guys liking the school?" Max asked.

"It's alright. (Y/N) is really enjoying herself here," Caleb replied.

"Mhm! I made friends with his girl named Lani and she told me she was into singing and stuff!"

"I didn't really talk to anyone, but someone decided to talk to me in science class. I bet you can't guess who." Max and (Y/N) thought for a while. "Neil! It was Neil, guys!"

"What!? Really? Then maybe Nikki is here too!" Max seemed excited about this. You guessed he didn't make any friends yet, so it would be easier to hang out with friends you already had.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" said a very sing-song voice behind you. You spun around in your chair to see Lani, her silky black hair falling over her shoulders, her green eyes looking at you. She played with the edge of her white blouse that was covered slightly with a denim vest that matched her jeans. Behind her were two girls: a blondie with a pink hairband, a flowy pink shirt with a plaid skirt and a brunette with a red and white v-neck with jeans.

"Hey, Larissa! Who are these girls?"

"Oh, just my besties from elementary, Tracey-" the blondie waved "-and Maria-" the brunette nodded "-and we were just going to go to the gym to see the guys. Wanna come?"

"Th-That's allowed?..." you stuttered. You weren't sure what to do and from the corner of your eyes you saw Max getting a grip on his backpack strap.

"Well, yeah! Some people already signed up for the sports club and they sometimes pratice at lunch."

You looked at Max, took a breath, and looked back at her. "Sorry, Lani. I already have a boyfriend." You held Max's hand under the table. "I don't need to be checking out other guys."

"You're rejecting my friendship!?" Lani shrieked, grabbing the attention of a few people. "Excuse me, (Y/N)! It's just that freshmen like you don't get attention very often. I was trying to be your little hero and save you from being alone like stray dogs!"

You reacted calmly. Violence wasn't the answer, neither was yelling. "Lani, I'm not turning down your friendship, I'm just saying that I think it's disrespectful to look at other guys when you're already dating someone."

"Fine. Just wait until you and your boyfriend and your brother end up alone!" Lani strode away, her and her "besties" noses in the air.

"You're stronger than you think, (Y/N)," Caleb said. You turned to him. "I'm not strong. If I was strong I would've argued or something. I just don't do that."

"Exactly! You're strong becaue you can handle things in a way most people don't think about" talking instead of yelling!"

It was true. It was like you had this charm that allowed you to talk to people and get them to listen.


Last class of the day: leadership class. You heard some things about it like it's for people who are smarter and they get to do things their mental age matches or it's when you get to plan different events, but you weren't sure.

You opened the classroom door to see a familiar head of teal hair. The girl turned around to look at you with pink eyes.



Oml, it's like 1:30 a.m.

Sorry if this is bad or my grammar is wrong in this. I'm extremely tired after what happened today: my cousins came over and we laughed. Really hard. We couldn't stop.

Well, until the next chapter!


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