It's a Deal

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[3rd Person Pov.]
Max didn't know what to do. He was in love with his new best friend, but he has a girlfriend. He could tell that (Y/N) saw Jane blow him a kiss because (Y/N) didn't bother to say anything to him except "Hey" or "Can you pass me that" or something. No conversation what so ever.

(Y/N) on the other hand was just trying to take it in. Who does that girl think she is? she thought to herself. Go find someone else, thot.

(Y/N) was sitting on her bed, scribbling in her sketchbook. It was garbage art to her, but she decided to keep it all. She draw out that girl on the sheet of paper and her eyebrows creased. She ropped it out, crubbled it, and threw it across the room. It hit the wall and landed on the floor. She got up and stamped on it with her foot, mumbling curses.

"You really seem to hate her," a voice said behind (Y/N). It was distorted, but gave off a calming vibe. She turned to see an ominous yellow triangle that resembled the "Illuminati" sign with it's eye right on the front sitting at the edge of the bed. It had a brick pattern on the bottom part of it, a bow, and a top hat. It's arms and legs were as thin as sticks. Slowly, the room turns white and grey. (Y/N) didn't think about who she was talking to before screaming,"OF COURSE I FUCKING DO! THIS THOT IS TRYING TO FUCKING TAKE MY BOYFRIEND!"

"Heheh. I should introduce myself," it said. "The name's Bill Cipher and I'm a sort of... guardian angel. And I already know about you, (Y/N)."

"Guardian angel? Did my parents send you here?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure kid, alright," Bill said, folding his hands. "I have just the thing for you. Here." He snapped his fingers and a necklace appeared. The thin silver chain held multiple charms made up of silver and gold: The double triangle star (or the Star of David) on the left most part, a tree next to it, an eye that resembled Bill's in the middle, a skull, and then at the right side was a normal star. "This will give you what you want. For you, it's for that Jane girl to mind her own business, right?"

"Yes. Just for you, I won't give you a deal. I'll give you a gift. You'll be able to get rid of  Jane." Bill took the necklace in his hand and in a small blue flame he teleported behind her. She didn't flinch. She felt at peace. He closed the clasp of the necklace so it stayed and put his hands on her shoulders. "Just do as I say."

(Y/N) jolted awake in a pool of sweat after that last word. She frantically looked around for Bill, but he was no where to be found. She felt something comd around her neck. She looked down to see the necklace, the eye glowing a faint yellow. It quickly dulled when Max sat up, rubbing his eye. "(Y/N)? Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah. Everything is perfect."



I'm very proud of this book and I hope you all enjoyed it! I loved writing it, even if it is hard to.

I hope you liked this chapter!


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