I won!

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"OH.MY.GOSH! I WON, I WON, I WON!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, running down the stairs falling on my face. 

"OUCH!" I yelled but jumped back up to my feet to find my big brother. 

"DYLANNNNN!" I screamed.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT SAB?!" He said running into the kitchen. 

"I WON!" I yelled shoving the phone in his face. 

"What?" he asked sounding completely confused at what I was talking about. 


"You're kidding right?" he asked. 

"DOES THIS LOOK LIKE I'M KIDDING?" I yelled once again shoving the phone back in his face. There on my phone showed a DM from the Dolan twins Instagram saying I had won their competition. 

"OMG SABRINA! YOU GET TO TRAVEL THE WORLD WITH THE DOLAN TWINS!" he said screaming like a little girl. 

"AHHHHHHHH I KNOW!" I jumped up and down with him. "Oh and guess what?"


"I leave in 5 days to go to L.A.!" I screamed again. 

"No" he said gobsmacked with his mouth hanging to the floor. 

"YES!" I said pulling him into a hug. 

*One month before*

I was sitting up in my room watching the twins newest video. They were doing the outro when the announced they had a huge surprise. 

"Guys we have a HUGE surprise!" Ethan said on the laptop with a huge grin spread across his face. 

"Ready to tell them Gray?" He gave Grayson a smirk. 

"Sure am! Guys we are holding a competition where you could win a trip with us to travel around the world!" He said in a loud voice to the camera. "All you guys have to do is comment below your dream vacation destination, and who knows, you could be the lucky winner!" 

"Thank you guys for watching, in about a month we will pick out a winner!" said Ethan. "We'll see you guys next week, on Tuesday!"

"PEACE!" they said together and their outro song came on. 

"Hmm, maybe I should comment below, it's worth a try I guess?" I thought to myself. 

I scrolled down the page and typed in the comments 'My dream holiday destination would be to go to Disneyland!' 

I laughed at my stupidity and closed my laptop shut. 

*Back to reality*

"Well you better start packing!" my brother smiled and left me with that. 

I ran up to my room and started to throw clothes into a HUGE suitcase. 

In case you're wondering, my name is Sabrina Jones and I am 17 years old. I have a twin brother named Dylan and as you can probably tell, i'm obsessed with the Dolan twins. I have been obsessed with them since the beginning and I love them with all my heart. They helped me through the toughest times in my life and I couldn't thank them enough. They make me feel like I was worth it and that there is always somebody there that loves me. My parents are always working because my dad is an FBI agent and my mum is a nurse. They are rarely ever home due to their jobs. It sucks sometimes, but then again i'll always have Dylan. 




AHHHHH! I'm so excited for this book it's not even funny! Sorry for such a short shitty chapter but I assure you guys the chapters to come will be fantastic! Thank you guys so much for reading, please vote and comments your thoughts! xo :)))))

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