San Francisco

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"Come on baby, wake up. We have to go" 

"Five more minutes mum" I whined and rolled off the bed hitting my head. 


I felt my body being thrown over somebody's shoulders and I tried to wiggle out of their strong grip but they held me tightly. 

 "PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed. 

"Babe, calm down it's me" I heard Gray's soft voice speak and he put me down in front of an outfit. 

"Get changed, we're going to the airport!" he said and left me to change. 


After a short plane ride, we finally arrived at our next destination. 

"Welcome to San Francisco!" Ethan announced after we got our bags and walked out of the airport. 

"OH MY GOD GUYS!" I screamed as we were leaving the airport. 

"WHAT?!" they both turned around with worried expressions on their faces. 

"What's wrong?!" they said in unison. 

"CAN WE GO ON THE GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE!" I squealed in delight. 

"Omg Sab! You gave me a heart attack!" Gray said placing a hand over his chest. 

"Sorry" I said innocently and held his hand as we began walking again. 

"Sure, anything for my princess" he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

We had just gone to our hotel and put all of our suitcases in our rooms and we were back out again. 

We all bundled into a cab and were on our way to see the golden gate bridge. 

As we were getting closer and I could see the bridge from a distance, I pulled out my phone and got ready to take some pictures. 

As I took the pictures, I could feel Gray's eyes looking at me. I turned to him and smiled. 


"'s just that you're beautiful" he said and scratched the back of his neck like he had said something wrong. 

"You're quite handsome yourself" 

I looked over to Ethan as he mumbled "Love birds" 

I slapped him on the back of the head and mumbled "asswipe"  

After driving across the bridge the cab driver dropped us off to a grassy area so we could take some more pictures. 

"Thank you" I said and payed. 

"Sabbbbbbb" Gray complained. 

"Grayyyyyy" I mimicked him. 

"I'm the man! I pay!" 

"Sorry graybabe" I smiled and ran away to get a better view of the bridge. 

I stared up and felt Grayson's presence next to me. 

"Hey Eth? Could you please take a photo of Gray and I?" 

"Sure Sab" 

Next thing I knew Gray threw me over his shoulder for the second time today and I smiled as Ethan took the photo. 

"It's a good one guys" Ethan said and gave me my phone back. 


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After a wonderful dinner at a Chinese restaurant we all decided to go back and watch a movie before heading to bed. 

"Alright guys, these are the only movies I could find" Ethan sighed and joined Gray and I on the bed in front of the T.V. 

He laied the movies in front of us and I took a look. 

There was The Titanic, Finding Nemo, The Blind Side, and IT. 

"IT!" Gray practically screamed. 

"Yeah alright" Ethan said. 

"Okay" I said, even though I was probably gonna walk out of the room in the first 5 seconds. 

"We started the movie and it was alright, but then there was a jump scare and I S C R E A M E D....

"I'm done! No thank you! Cya boys in the morning!" I said and jumped off the bed walking towards the door. 

"Sabbyyyyy, please stay? I'll protect you, don't worry" 

I sighed and then jumped back on the bed. 

~ snug

For the whole movie my head was just snuggled into Gray's chest. 

"Alright, it's over babe" Gray spoke softly. 

"THANK THE LORD!" I yelled and ran to the room next door without another word. 

Travelling the world w/ The Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now