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I woke up to the morning sunlight creeping into my room. I sat up in bed and rubbed my tired eyes. Last night was very eventful. After I had packed a bit, I was running around my room screaming with excitement. I was going to travel the world with Grayson and Ethan Dolan! I would be going to places I never thought I would ever go to. Also I had chatted to them both through DM and they say that they're so excited to meet me. I was literally screaming, I couldn't even deal. They told me a few places that we would be going to like England, Germany, China, Africa and Australia. They also said that each day we will travel to a new destination. 

I was in my room blasting Blackbear through my speakers, when I got a text. I walked over to my bed where my phone was and sat down unlocking it.  

From @dolantwins:

Hey Sabrina! Just wondering if you could give us your number and address so we can send your L.A. plane ticket. Thanks again :)

From @sabrinajones:

Hey guys! My number is 1234567890 and my address is..... (IDK I'M LAZY). Can't wait for the trip! Love you guys xo 

From @dolantwins:

Thank you so much Sabrina, we will send it over asap. We can't wait either ;) Love you too gorgeous! xx


"SABRINA! SHUT UP!" I heard Dylan scream from his room down the hall. 

"SORRY DYLPICKLE!" I yelled back giggling a little. 


It's been about 4 hours and I finally finished packing. I have 3 huge suitcases and a large carry on bag. I was so exhausted from packing, so I went to the fridge and grabbed some ben and jerry's ice cream and sat on the couch watching Teen Wolf. You could say I was completely and utterly obsessed with it. I watch it 24/7. 

"Oh Teen Wolf, can I join?" Dylan asked as he walked down the stairs joining me on the couch. 

"Sure, why not" I said as I moved over. 

He got comfortable, then out of nowhere stole my spoon and took a massive scoop of ice cream and shoved it into his mouth. 

"Hey! No fair, that's mine!" I said stealing it back. 

"Yeah, no it's not" he said trying to snatch it off from me again. 

"You annoy me so much sometimes" I sniggered giving him a glare. 

"Admit it, you love me." he said pulling a girly face. 

"No I don't"

"Yes you do!"

"Do not"

"Do too"

We watched Teen Wolf for a while until I started to fall asleep. I lied down on the couch with my head rested on Dylan's lap. My eyes began to feel heavier and heavier. 

"I love you Dylan" I whispered. 

"I told you, you love me" I heard him laugh, before darkness took over me.

Travelling the world w/ The Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now