Florida Part 1

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"HURRY UP LET'S GO!" I screamed to the boys and ran towards the gates of Universal Studios. 

We had woken up extremely early in San Francisco and caught an early flight to Florida. We are going to stay a few days and visit the theme parks for a change. 

"Calm down Sab! We have all day!" Ethan said trying to catch up to me, which isn't that hard as I have little legs. 

"NO I WANNA RIDE ALL THE RIDES!" I yelled and entered the park. 

"WOW!" I said as I entered. 

Everywhere was amazing. There were rides, merch shops and little food stalls everywhere you turned. 

"THIS PLACE IS AMAZING!" I yelled as the boys caught up to me. 

"Let's go on the roller coaster first!" Gray said. 

"Umm Gray?" I said shyly. 

"Remember i'm scared of heights" I reminded him. 

"Oh okay that's alright, ugh may-"

"I'll do it" I cut him off. 

"Wait what? Sab I don't want you hurt" 

"I'll be fine, it's time I get over this fear." I told myself confidently. 

We lined up and after around 5 minutes we were boarding the roller coaster. 

The guy buckled me in and I grabbed Gray's hand as we started moving slowly upwards. We were moving straight up and soon we were zooming down and turning sharp corners, then going upside down. Wow, I can't believe I was scared this whole time. This is amazing! 

"THIS PLACE IS AMAZING!" I said with a mouth full of fairy floss. 

It was around 3pm and we'd finished a lot of rides but we were getting really tired so we were on our way back to the hotel. 

"Thank you guys so so so much! These have been the best days of my life!" I exclaimed. 

"Well we haven't even been out of the country yet, the adventure won't be over for ages" Ethan smiled. 

After a nice relaxing swim and microwave noodles for dinner we all decided to call it a night. 

"Goodnight Gray" I yawned. 

"Goodnight babygirl" 

Travelling the world w/ The Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now