Mexico Part 1

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"I'M SITTING NEXT TO DYLAN ON THE PLANE!" I yelled through the airport on our way to our gate.

"What about me babe?" Gray said putting a pout on. 

I stood in front of him, stopping him from moving and placed my hands on his cheeks and gave him a light kiss on the lips. 

"Sorry baby" I smirked. 

Gray crossed his arms and put his head down pouting like a young child. 

"Oh come on Gray, I haven't seen Dylan in ages!" 

"You saw him yesterday?" he smirked. 

I rolled my eyes and giggled. 

"I hate you." 


"OKAY WHERE ARE WE! WHERE ARE WE! WHERE ARE WE!" I shouted to the three boys that were collecting our luggage. 

"Welcome to Mexico people!" Ethan said as a Mexican band started to play in the airport. 

All of a sudden Eth and Gray pulled out marraccas and started to shake them along to the mexican bands music. Dylan and I burst out laughing from their stupid dance moves. It was by far one of the funniest things i've seen. 

"Alright, come on you two lets go" I giggled as we grabbed our suitcases and headed out towards the city. 


"Now can you tell us where we are?" I asked fro about the 12th time. 

"Soon!" the twins said getting annoyed. 

I groaned and sat back in my seat. 

The boys thought it would be a good idea to blindfold Dyl and I, shove us in a car and drive off somewhere in Mexico. Both Dylan and I have been complaining for the last hour that we're tried, hungry and we wanna know where the hell we're going. 

"Okay, we're here" Ethan said. 

I felt strong arms pick me up bridal style and right away I knew it was Gray. He placed me on the ground and wrapped his arms around my waist. I heard more shuffling feet which i'm guessing was Dyl and Ethan. 

"Okay you can take off the blindfolds in....." Eth said. 


I took my blindfold of and what was in front of me, took my breath away. I turned round to Gray and jumped into his arms, kissing him passionately. I smiled into the kiss. Fireworks were being set off in my stomach and right then and there, I knew I never wanted this moment to end. We finally pulled away so we could catch our breaths. 

For the rest of the time spent at the beach we swam, and just hung out with eachother like best friends. Gray and I were caught making out on a rock, but other then that we all had a great time. 

We all hopped back into the car and drove back to the hotel to get some dinner. I was sprawled across the back seat with my head rested on Grayson's lap. He stroked my hair as I started to drift off to sleep. 

"Goodnight my beautiful princess" 

Travelling the world w/ The Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now