Los Angeles Part 1

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I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I had received a message from Ethan. I opened up my phone and looked at the two photos he had sent me. One was from when Gray and I first met and the other was taken last night, when I must have fallen asleep on Grayson. 

(A/N Yes I am aware that this picture is outside, but I couldn't find anything else)

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(A/N Yes I am aware that this picture is outside, but I couldn't find anything else)

(A/N Yes I am aware that this picture is outside, but I couldn't find anything else)

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I looked at the pictures and a small smile spread across my face. 

"We look pretty cute together, don't we?" Somebody from behind me said. 

From his voice, I could tell it was Gray. 

"Yeah, we do" I smiled. 

"So what are we doing for our first day in L.A!" 

"Well we were thinking of going to see the Hollywood sign, go to Santa Monica pier and go to the hollywood walk of fame" he said back excitedly. 

"I can't wait to show you!" 

"Umm, excuse me but am I invisible" Ethan said standing at the doorway with his arms crossed. 

I giggled. 

"Don't worry Eth, we won't make you third wheel" Gray said and gave me a wink, causing me to blush. 

"I hate to admit it, but you guys are freakin' adorable" Eth said and Grayson went red too. 


So far we have been on the Hollywood walk of fame and now we're about to get lunch. 

(A/N Sorry guys I kinda had to skip this bit because I forgot all about the Hollywood walk of fame but I will try and get it all accurate with the Hollywood sign and Santa Monica pier. Thanks!)

"So, where are we getting lunch!" I asked as we walked around L.A trying to find somewhere to eat. 

"Wherever you want gorgeous" Grayson said with a toothy smile. 

God his smile is so stunning and those lips, God I just want to kiss him! 

As we walked along the crowded footpath of L.A, I felt Grayson's hand brush onto my own, and that made me blush harder than ever. I quickly hung my head down so nobody would seen me bushing, but it was soon lifted my by Grayson's hand. 

"Please don't hide your face when you blush, I think you look beautiful" 

We arrived at in and out burger for lunch. Gray and I sat next to each other and Ethan sat across from us. We ordered our food and made some small conversation together before it finally arrived. 

We all sat in silence and started to eat our food. 

"Okay so lets play a game" Ethan spoke up. 


"I'm in" 

"Alright..how about 21 questions?" Gray shrugged. 

"Alright Sab, you start" 

"Alright, Ethan. Who's your celebrity crush?' I smirked at him, he instantly blushed.

"Um.. I don't have one" he spoke shyly. 

"Don't lie dude, just spill" Gray said as I giggled. 

"Alright..it's Nicki Minaj" he spoke sheepishly. 

"Aww that's so cute!" I giggled. 

"Okay Ethan your go, ask one of us." Gray said. 

This game went on for about twenty minutes. It was all laughs and getting embarrassed until it was Grayson turn to ask me another question. 

"So Sabrina, what would be your ideal first date" he gave me a toothy grin. 

"Well..probably watching disney movies..with pizza..while under a fort." I smirked. 

"Oh that'd be fun" he replied looking as though he was planning something in his head. 

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