Not goodbye?

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*Day of flying to L.A*

I woke up bright and early in the morning because today was the day I was flying out to L.A. I live in Melbourne, Australia so it is around a 14 hour flight. Today I had to go shopping for some snacks and things to do on the plane, because knowing me I can get bored very easily. 

I changed into an outfit and put on some light make up. 

Over the last couple of days I have been texting the twins over messages

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Over the last couple of days I have been texting the twins over messages. They are both such amazing people and I love them more and more every single day. Ethan is so caring and kind, he is already such a great friend of mine. Grayson is my celebrity crush, but I think it may be more than just a little crush.......I think I may love him. Yes, I know what you're probably thinking, how can you love somebody you haven't even met? He makes me the happiest person alive. His smile lights up a whole room and every time he texts me, I swear my heart skips a beat. 

Anyways, I got ready and walked down the hall to Dylan's room. 

"Hey Dyldo? Do you want to come shopping with me? I'm going to buy food and stuff for the plane" I asked as he looked up from his laptop. 

"Yeah, okay" He said a bit bummed. 

"What's wrong" I asked concerned. 

"It's nothing" he said back, looking down at his feet. "Come on let's just go"

"No. Sit back down, we are not leaving until you tell me what's wrong" I said taking a seat on his bed as he followed my lead. 

"'s just that, i'm going to miss you so so much. You are my baby sister and you're going to be gone for God knows how long. The house is always so empty when you're not here, i'm going to be so alone." he said sniffling. 

"Dylan" I started taking his hand in mine. "I'm going to miss you so much too. I promise you I will call you every single day, no matter how busy I am. Also don't worry because you still have all your friends to hang out with. And for the record, i'm only 2 minutes younger than you" 

"Still you're my baby sister" he said lightening the mood. 

"Yeah, no i'm not"  I laughed. 

"Come on lets go" 


We brought TONS of snacks for myself on the plane and Dylan brought some food for home. I brought a few colouring books to keep myself entertained on the flight. Yeah I know, i'm a child at heart. 

It was 6:30pm and my flight is at 10:00pm. Dylan was driving me to the airport at the moment and I couldn't help but get a little nervous. I wasn't going to see Dylan for months and he is my best friend. I love him with all my heart, and I don't know how long I can stay without him. He means everything to me. 

"Alright we're here" Dylan smiled excitedly, I knew he was only doing it for me. 

We both got out of the car and I took out my bags as Dylan went to get a trolley. He came back after a minute and we both started to load the bags onto the trolley. 

"Ok, well I guess this is good-" he started but I cut him off before he could finish. 

"No, don't say goodbye, because that means forever" I said sadly. 

"Well then see you later babysis" he smiled giving me a huge hug. 

"See ya big bro, don't have too much fun without me" I laughed. 

"I could never" he smiled as I let go walking my trolley to the doors. 

Before I entered the building I screamed out to Dylan, "I LOVE YOU DYLPICKLE!" 


And with that, I was on my way to L.A. 

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