New York

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"Ughhhhh" I groaned as I rolled out of bed and landed on the floor with a thud. 

"Ah shit!" I cussed. 

I quickly got to my feet and started to get ready for the day as we are leaving Las Vegas and heading somewhere else in the world! 

I got changed and headed to the boys room next door with my suitcases already packed. 

"Morning guys!" I cheered happily at the two sleepyheads lying onto of each other on the small couch that lay at the window of our hotel

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"Morning guys!" I cheered happily at the two sleepyheads lying onto of each other on the small couch that lay at the window of our hotel. 

"Morning" they both groaned. 

"Soooo" I said and squished in between them. "Where are we headed to today?"

Grayson smirked at me. 

"Not telling" 

"Oh come on! Please!" I begged them both getting on my knees. 

"Nope" they said simultaneously. 

"Ugh fine!" I gave up and flopped back onto the small couch with my arms folded over my chest. 

"Don't get comfortable because we're leaving in 5" Ethan said and went into their bathroom. 

When Eth was out of sight, Gray came up and lifted me off the chair and then sat on it, putting me on his lap. 

"So how areyou liking the trip so far?" he asked. 

"I love it, but I really miss Dylan. He's basically my best friend. I'm as close to him as you are to Ethan. I just really wish he could be here to enjoy the world with me" I laid my head down on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"So is Dylan older or younger than you?" he asked, pulling me into his chest. 

"He's older by 2 minutes" I said which caused him to jump out of his seat. 

"What what's wrong?" I asked standing in front of his slouched body. 

"YOU'RE A TWIN?!" he yelled shocked. 

I just laughed. 

"Yes Grayson, have I not already told you this?" I smirk. 

He shook his head violently. 

"Oh, maybe I just must have missed it" I said and grabbed my suitcases heading out the door and giving him a wink as I looked back. 


We had just gotten off the plane and were heading to get our bags when I realised that I had absolutely no idea whee we were. 

"Hey Grayyyyy" I said as he walked over to me with his bags and Ethan behind him. 

"Yes gorgeous?" 

"Where are we?" I smiled innocently. 

"Well, welcome to New York City" he said and kissed me on the cheek. 

Travelling the world w/ The Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now