Las Vegas Part 1

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I woke up the next morning to somebody shaking me. 

"Come on Sabby, we have to go to the airport to catch our flight." Gray spoke softly to me as I groaned. 

"Okayyy" I said in a raspy morning voice. 

I got out of bed and shoved Gray out so I could quickly change. 

I didn't bother to put any makeup on as my face is clean

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I didn't bother to put any makeup on as my face is clean. I grabbed my bags and quickly made my bed before looking around the room one last time to check if I had forgotten anything, before heading out the door. 

Ethan and Gray were both sitting on the couch on their phones. 

"You got everything?" Eth asked myself and Gray. 


"Sure do" 

"Alright lets go" 


Right now we are on the plane heading to VEGAS! I was sooo excited that Gray had told me multiple times to calm down. I didn't calm down until he threatened to take away my phone. 

"If you do not calm down....i'm gonna take away you phone" he tried to keep a straight face but couldn't. 

"Okay fine!" I complained and sunk into my seat. 

It was silent for awhile between the two of us until I spoke up. 

"So what're we doing in Vegas?!" I asked excited again. 

Gray laughed.

"We are probably going to check out what shows are on and stuff then do what ever you'd like." 

I blushed at his words. 

"Oh okay cool!" 

After a 2 1/2 hour flight, we finally landed causing me to get excited all over again. 

"Ethan, what will we do with this girl" I heard Gray say as I ran off to the window staring out at the planes. 

The planes looked amazing and I was so intrigued, until somebody interrupted my daydream by picking me up and pulling me over their shoulder. Right away I knew it was Ethan.  

"Ethan would you please put me down?" I asked as he walked us over to baggage claim. 

"Promise not to run off?" he said. 

"Pinky promise!" I spoke like a child to him as he put me back down. 

I grabbed his pinky and shook it. 

We walked over and grabbed our bags then headed out into the city to our hotel. 

The whole time I was taking pictures from the uber and could not get over how beautiful Vegas is. 

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