Los Angeles Part 2

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We've just finished our lunch and now we were going to head to Santa Monica Pier. We paid for our meals and started to walk over to the pier which was across the road. 

As we reached the pier I started to feel like somebody was watching me. I turned my head behind and saw a few boys staring at me. I felt extremely uncomfortable and Gray must have noticed because he slipped his hand into mine. It relaxed me instantly. I looked up to him and I saw a small smile appear on his gorgeous face. 

"Hey did you want to go on the ferriswheel?" Gray suddenly asked. 

"Uhh..y-yeah su-re" I said forcing a smile. 

I haven't told either of the boys yet, but i'm terrified of heights. 

"I'll just go walk around and leave you two love birds alone. Have fun!" Ethan said with a smile as he walked off. 

I started to blush as I realised that Gray and I were going to be alone. 

We both walked over to the ticket booth thing with our hands entwined. 

"Hello how may I help you two today?' the man asked kindly. 

"Hi can we please get two tickets for the ferriswheel?" Gray spoke. 

"Sure that'll be $30 please" 

"Here Gray I got it" I said getting out the money from my purse. 

"No this is my treat to you beautiful" Gray shot me a smile before handing the money over to the guy. 

"Here you go, have a good evening" he said as we walked off. 


We we're waiting in line and I started to freak out a bit but beofre I could say anything to Gray I was shoved onto the carriage by the worker. 

"This is gonna be fun" Gray said as he sat next to me and we took off. 

We sat in silence for awhile just enjoying the view..well I wasn't really worried about the view, I was more worried about me getting sick or fainting. 

"Hey Sab you okay?" Gray asked as we got to the top and suddenly stopped. 

My breathing picked up in an instant and before I knew it I was on the floor struggling to breathe.

"G-g-ray I...-I t-thi-nk I..I'm...h-aving..a...P-panic..A-ttack" I said in between deep breaths. 

"Okay Okay Sab just take deep breaths, in and out....in and out" Gray said panicking a bit. 

"I-..I ca-"

I was cut off by soft lips on mine. I soon realised that it was Grayson's soft lips and I kissed him back. I had a weird feeling running through my body and it felt like fireworks going off in my stomach. My blood was pumping through my veins and I felt like everything was perfect in that moment. Grayson placed his hands on my cheeks and I placed mine around his neck. We both kissed passionately before we pulled away to catch our breaths. 

I opened my eyes and we both just looked into each others eyes silently until I broke it. 

"Did you just pull a Lydia on me?" I asked confused but still had a smile on my face. 

"I-I think I did?" he said as more of a question before we both burst out laughing. 

"T-that was amazing" I stuttered blushing. 

"Yeah it really was" Gray said and smiled. 

Before we knew it we got off the ferriswheel. 

"Sabrina, why didn't you tell me you were afraid of heights?" Gray said a little disappointed. 

"You seemed so happy to go up there, I just didn't want to ruin it for you" I spoke honestly. 

"Sabby please tell me if you're scared to do something, it would kill me if you'd gotten hurt up there" Gray said sternly. 

"Okay I will" I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

His face went bright red so I gave him a cheeky smile. 

"We should go find Ethan" I said as I took his hand leading him in the direction of the food trucks and restaurants, knowing Ethan would be over there. 

I spotted Ethan leaning against a pole scrolling on his phone while eating an ice cream. 

"Hey Eth" I said and grabbed his attention. 

"Hey guys how was the ferriswheel?" he asked and Grayson and I both went bright red. 

"Uhhh-" I stuttered. 

"It-it was great" Gray smiled at me. 

"Okayyy" Ethan said looking suspicious. 

"What did you want to do now?" I asked them. 

"How about we just walk around and find something to do?" Gray suggested. 

"Yeah sure"


We've been walking around for awhile when I spotted a photo booth. 

"Ohh guys you wanna do the photo booth?" A grin wide across my face. 

"Sure let's go" 

We all bundled in and put the money into the machine. 

"Okay guys first one do silly faces." Ethan said and we all made stupid faces as the photo was taken. 

"Now do muscles!" Gray said and the second photo was taken. 

"Lets do a nice one" I said. 

The 3rd photo was taken and before the 4th was, both Ethan and Gray smirked at each other. Before I knew what was happening Grays lips were on mine again and the photo was taken. 

"Yeah okay guys, we get you're in love" Ethan said rolling his eyes as we stepped out of the booth and grabbed our pictures. 

They were all so cute! The last on was Grayson and I kissing and Ethan covering his face. 

"Okay how about we go home because to be honest i'm not hungry at all and it's getting late. Also we have an early flight tomorrow." Ethan said yawning. 

"Oh where are we going to next!" I asked excitedly. 

"Ohh that's a surprise gorgeous" Gray smiled. 

I pouted. 

"Come on, lets go" Ethan said as we all started walking to the car. 


We got back to their apartment and Ethan went straight up to his room mumbling a 'good night' on his way up. 

"Hey Gray, I'm gonna ahead up to bed now. Goodnight" I yawned. 

"Goodnight gorgeous" he said giving a kiss on the cheek before I walked to the spare bedroom. 

I had a shower and got changed into some pjs and then decided to call Dylan. 

"Hey Sabby, how's everything there?" 

"It's okay, i'm really liking it but I miss you heaps Dyl"

"I miss you too Sabby cat" 

"I really want to see you" 

"Same, but don't worry about me. You go and have the time of your life."

"I love you Dylan, goodnight" 

"Goodnight babysis, I love you too" 

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