The Dolan Twins

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I had just arrived in L.A and I was already amazed by everything here, I hadn't even left the airport yet. I had been texting the twins for most of the plane ride and they told me that they were going to pick me up. 

I took out my phone from my pocket and texted Grayson telling him I just landed and had gotten my luggage.  

He responded within seconds and the text said 'look up' 

I did as told and couldn't believe my eyes. Right in front of me were the DOLAN TWINS! My heart was racing and I felt it skip a beat. I could feel my cheeks start to flush a shade of red. As soon as I realised what was going on, I didn't hesitate to jump into Grayson's arms. I wrapped my legs around his torso and I felt his strong arms wrap around my lower back. I sunk my head into his neck taking in his amazing cologne. 

*Click* I heard something from behind.

There stood Ethan with his phone in hand taking a picture of Gray and I. I gave him a shy smile and unwrapped my legs from Grayson as he set me gentlyy on the ground. 

"It's very good to see you too Sabrina" Gray laughed. 

"Do I get a hug too or......?" Ethan asked sounding a bit embarrassed. 

I took a few steps towards Ethan and wrapped my arms around him as he did the same to me. I let go after a few seconds and looked back at Gray with a huge smile on my face. 

"Well......welcome to L.A!" he laughed. 

"I've always wanted to come here, you know!" I said a little too excitedly, making me sound stupid. 

Grayson laughed at my craziness and went to grab my bags, but I stopped him before he could. 

"It's okay, I can take them" I told him, but he refused and picked them up anyway. 

Gosh he's such a gentleman. 

"Ahah thank you beautiful" Grayson said as we started to walk outside the airport. 

I clapped my hand over my mouth and went bright red, realising what I had just said. 

"Oh my gosh! Ugh- I.....uh?" I stuttered feeling extremely embarrassed. 

"It's okay, gorgeous" he said with a toothy grin. 

"Oh would you love birds stop" Ethan groaned, as Gray and I both went red. 


We arrived at their apartment and Ethan showed me to the spare room. 

"So here you go. We'll leave you alone for a bit, so you can just settle in." he said with a smile, and left with that. 

"Thank you!" I called out to him. 

I put my luggage in the corner of the room and took a seat on the king sized bed. I took out my phone and pressed on the call button to call Dylan. 

After a few beeps, he picked up. 

"Hey Sabbycat!"

"Hey Dylpickle!"

"How's L.A?"

"It's so amazing. The twins and I haven't done much yet but it's so cool."

"It sounds like you're having a great time sis"

"Yeah, I wish you were here though"

"Hey, don't bring yourself down when you are having the time of your life. This is a once ina lifetime opportunity, so live it to the fullest okay?" 

"Thank you Dylan, I really needed that" 

"'re the twins? Is Grayson treating you right?" 

"OMG Dylan shut up!" 

" he?" 

"Yes he's being a great gentleman and he's super sweet, and he's smile is so adorable, and his muscles and bic-"

"Uh Sabrina?"


"I'm still here?"

"Oh yeah, sorry."

"Anyways, I've gotta go. A few friends are coming over. Call me later. Bye, love you"

"Okay bye, love you too" 

'This is gonna be such a great trip around the world' I thought to myself. 

Travelling the world w/ The Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now