Florida Part 2

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I woke up feeling like absolute shit. I hadn't had a goodnight sleep in a couple of days and i'm starting to feel a bit homesick. I haven't seen Dylan in what felt like ages and he hasn't called me in a few days. 

I'm in the bathroom with the door locked, leaning over the sink throwing up. 

"Hey baby, you okay?" Gray asked banging on the door concerned. 

"I-i'm f-f-ine" I said back, certainly not fine. 

"Babe, please open the door, I need to see that you're okay!" Gray said desperately bashing on the door. 

"I-m a bit bu-sy at the -m-moment" I said back throwing up once again. 

Next thing I know Gray bashes through the door and is shocked at the sight in front of him. I turn back around and throw up again. 
After finishing throwing up I turned back around to Gray and started to cry. He pulled me into a tight hug and calmed me down.
"shhh, baby it's okay" he soothed me.
"N-o it's no-t" I sobbed.
"What's wrong babe?"
"I miss Dylan and I don't know what to do"
"Oh babe, what if we have him a call right now?"
I nodded wiping my eyes.
He grabbed my phone and dialed Dylan's number. He put it on Facetime and gave the phone to me. Dyl picked up almost immediatley.
"Hey Sabb- Omg what's wrong?!" he freaked out.
"I-I just miss you heaps, I really really wish you were here seeing everything with me." I sighed.
"Yeah ik how you feel, but please do me a favour and enjoy it okay?Do it for me. Also I sent a present for you-"
"SABRINA IT'S FOR YOU!" Gray yelled.
"Coming!" I said still on facetime with Dylan.
I walked towards the door and my face and phone dropped.
"DYLPICKLE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs running up to him and jumping in his arms.
"SABBYCAT!" he yelled back squeezing me super tight.
"Oh my god I missed you so so much!" I exclaimed.
"Me too Sab, but guess what?There's another big surprise too!"
"I'M GOING TO BE WITH YOU FOR THE REST OF THE TOUR!" He screamed like a basic white girl.
I stopped screaming and looked between Gray, Ethan and Dyl.
"Who organised this?"
Gray raised his hand slowly and gave me a sheepish smile.
I walked to him and wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him passionately.
"Thank you Gray"
"No problem gorgeous"

Hey guys just wanted to let you know that I typed this chapter using my phone so if it's a different layout then usual, that's why. xxx

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