Florida Part 3

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"SABRINA WAKE UP WE'RE GOING TO UNIVERSAL STUDIOS" Dylan probably screamed in my ear.
"No let me sleep" I complained.
Once again I was thrown over his shoulder and placed on the ground. He took his hands off my shoulders causing me to collapse into his arms from tiredness.
"Please let me sleep" I started closing my eyes as he pushed me off of him again.
"No get dressed" he threw clothes at me.
"Ugh fine" I gave him a death glare before going to the bathroom to change.
I quickly changed into something simple and applied some natural makeup. I walked out of the bathroom and all 3 boys were sitting on my bed scrolling through there phones.
"Good morning to you too boys" I crossed my arms over my chest as they hadn't noticed me yet.
"Oh sorry babe, goodmorning" Gray came and gave ne a light kiss on the cheek.
"Morning Sab" Ethan yawned.
"Morning Eth" I chuckled.
"Alright guys lets go!" Dyl said excitedly.
"Okay yeah but I wanna get some food first. I'm starving" I told them.
We got some donuts and coffee before heading straight to the theme park once again. I am so freaking hapoy that Dylan is here. It's realky hard being away fron someone so close to you for so long. Dyl is my best friend and I love him with all my heart.
So far we've been on loads of rides and gotten heaps of food and drinks. By Dylans face I know he loves it here and that he is enjoying himself so much.
"You okay Sabby?" Gray took my hand and walked with me.
I looked i front of me to see Dylan and Ethan talking and laughing together just like best friends, I smiled.
"Never been better"

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