Las Vegas Part 2

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"So where should we go for dinner?" I asked Ethan, as we walked down the strip while I held Gray's hand. 

"Have you ever been to the rainforest cafe?" he questioned me. 

"No, can't say I have" 

"Well that's where we're going" he said dragging me towards a building. 

We walked in the building and saw many different stores and restaurants. Ethan let go of my arm and looked around the area until he found the place he was looking for. Gray followed him while a stayed a bit behind. 

When I came into view of the restaurant I was amazed.  

It looked like an actual rainforest! 

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It looked like an actual rainforest! 

There were statues of all different animals lining the walls and there were different lights shining on all the tables. 

"This is amazing!" I said as the waiter showed us to our table. 

"I'll be back in a little to take your orders" the waiter said and left us to sit. 

I sat down next to Gray and Ethan sat across from us. I was staring at everything around me, taking it in. 

I heard a laugh from beside me so I turned my head to see Gray giggling. 

"What's so funny?" I smiled with raised eyebrows. 

"Just how cute you look when you're staring at everything with wide eyes" he said and rubbed his hand along my thigh. 

God what does this boy do to me!

I smiled at him and picked up his hand that was resting on my thigh and wrapped my fingers around his signaling for him to not do that now. 

He sighed by then smiled. 

I looked up just as a flash had gone off on my face and saw Ethan looking at his phone snickering. 

"Seriously?" I said trying not to laugh but failing. 

"What? I can't take a photo of two people in love?' he raised his eyebrows causing Gray and I to both go bright red. 

After a few moments of awkward silence I grabbed a menu and looked through it. 


After a wonderful dinner and an unexpecting show from all the 'statue' animals, we decided to head back to the hotel to get changed for Magic Mike Live!

I got changed and quickly did some natural makeup on myself. 

I had one last look in the mirror before heading over to the door that connects the boys and my rooms

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I had one last look in the mirror before heading over to the door that connects the boys and my rooms. 

As I stepped in the room my jaw dropped and so did Graysons.

Right infront of my eyes was a shirtless Gray staring at me with his jaw to the floor. I quickly whipped my head back around and covered my eyes. 

"I'm sooooo sorry Gray! I should've knocked! Uh-" I was cut off by Gray's arms wrapping around my waist and him pulling my closer to his chest. 

"It's okay" he said and placed a kiss on my neck before going to put on a shirt. 

"You look beautiful by the way" he smirked and gave me a wink as he fixed up his hair. 

"You look extremely hot-ugh I meant gorgeous-no no handsome, you look handsome" I stuttered and blushed. 

He gave a smirk and went to get Ethan who was in the bathroom. 

"Hey guys I don't feel well so i'll sit this one out, you two go have fun" Ethan walked out of the bathroom with Gray behind him. 

"Are you sure Ethan?" I asked concerned that he wanted to go. 

"Yeah are you sure bro?" Gray asked. 

"Yeah guys i'm fine, you two go have a good time together" he said and ushered us out the door and slammed it behind us. 

Thank God I had gotten my purse and phone or else he probably wouldn't have let me back inside. 

"So..are you ready to go?" Gray asked rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. 


We took our seats in the audience and waited for the show to begin. 

Grayson had his arm around the back of me and I rested my head on his chest hearing his heartbeat steady. 

"Hello everybody and welcome to Magic Mike Live!" the announcer announced as everybody applauded.

Halfway during the show one of the guys picked up a microphone and told us that the guys were going to choose a girl to come up on the stage. 

There was a huge spotlight going around the room and finally it landed on somebody, which so happened to be me. 

"Come on up here gorgeous!" the man who was onstage said to me. 

I looked over at Gray with a 'what do I do?' face. 

Before he could say anything, somebody came up from behind me and took my hand leading me onstage. 

I looked back at Gray and he gave me a small smile, but I had a feeling something bad was about to happen. 

As we arrived at the stage, a tall man handed me and microphone and pushed me towards the middle of the stage where I was surrounded by many shirtless men. 

"Hello beautiful, what's your name?" a really hot dude asked me. 

"It's uh Sabrina" I answered nervously. 

"Well Sabrina how about you go and sit on that chair and we will start off the second half of the show" he pointed to a chair that was a few meters behind me. 

I obeyed him and went and sat down, but before I knew it all of the boys came up to me and all started to grind. 

My eyes went as big as tennis balls and I didn't know what to do. I was scared that something terrible would happen and Gray would think that I don't like him. But that's not true because I love him. Hold on a second..did I just say I love Grayson? Oh my God I did! God, I really do love him. 

 The men kept on grinding on me to the music that was playing and everybody was cheering in the audience. I sat awkwardly on the chair feeling extremely uncomfortable. 

Just as quickly as it had started it soon finished and I quickly ran off the stage and back to my seat where...there was no Grayson? Where did he go? Oh no. I bet he ran off back to the hotel because of all the guys grinding on me. 

I quickly grabbed my purse and phone that was left on my seat and ran out of the doors running through the crowds of people back to the hotel. 

I finally made it to the hotel after getting shoved around with all the people out tonight. 

I went straight up the elevator and barged through the door to come face to face with Grayson. 

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