Sasuke X Reader || That Teacher || Part 2

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Y/N : Your Name
H/C : Hair Color
H/L : Hair Length
E/C : Eye Color
A/N: MANY Cursing and warning don't read if you're uncomfortable or hate cursing.

Thursday Night was AMAZING!!! Sasuk- I mean Mr. Uchiha hung out, he stayed with me the whole night, Yes the WHOLE NIGHT!! If you guys are thinking we did that.... well go fix your dirty ass mind. Anyways it's been a week since that happened and guess what??

I have a FUDGING TEST in his class with his Annoying Ass Ghetto people in there. Not to mention I have like 20 bullies. Just because I'm a teacher's pet now doesn't mean you get to be an Bitch and have something stick up your ass. Sorry for my tantrum but this life right here is my fudging life.

I'm currently walking to class, and boy I wanted to stay in bed with Sasuke and myself. I have Homeroom first with Iruka-Sensei so it's gonna be an annoying class since he's mostly out of THE CLASSROOM!! I have to stay in that small classroom with some bullies and many fangirls. My friend has another class so she's not here for me either.....

"You Slut!! Why do you want boys so much!!" I heard one of my bully says.

'Well not like I am one, Slut'

"You're just another whore that is trying to become another popular!!" Another bully says.

'Did you just Assume that I want to be popular, Well die in a Hell Hole!!'

"You're Ugly too!! I want Sasuke-Sensei for myself!!!"

'Bitch good luck cuz I kissed him already and plus why would a sensei like a Retard anyways'
Ugggghhh, now for Hell Hole #2, which is 2nd Period by the way. Hell Hole #1 was bad enough anyways!! I walked into class and sat at my seat.
Well that was fun..... THAT WAS FUCKING TERRIBLE!!! The Bullies Fucking embarrassed me in front of the whole class. Ugggghh worst day Ever. Except for my last class, with Mr. Uchiha. Can this get any worst?
Time skip**** Last Class****

I walked to Mr. Uchiha's class. There were people looking at me as I walked in. Their thoughts probably go:

'Wow it's the teacher's pet'

'She thinks she so cool and just because she's the teachers pet doesn't mean she can be a whore'

'No wonder nobody likes her'

'Ugggghh I want Mr. Uchiha to myself, he should always pay attention to me!'

As I sat down everyone gave me dirty glares. What The Fuck, what did I do wrong? Just because I'm dating a teacher, you don't have to be jealous or be an ass. Oh yeah!! If I didn't tell you Tsuki is my #1 enemy. She has her eye on Sasuke and well.... I'm over here like Fuck Off!!

Mr. Uchiha handed out our tests. I was half way through the test until I felt suddenly tired. My eyes became droopy and blurry, I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, I saw a teacher looking at me. "Miss (Y/N), You can continue sleeping. You're finishing the test after school, Detention After Class." Mr. Uchiha smirked at me while I just groaned. The whole class snickered at me.

Can't my day get any worst!!! Now I have Detention and a TEST TO FINISH!!! Well, at least it's with Sasuke I guess. When the bell rang, I just stayed in my seat until all the students got out of the classroom. Mr. Uchiha was looking at paper work until his Dark Coal Eyes looked at my (E/C) Eyes. I grunted in frustration as I walked up to his desk.

"You can start scraping gum off desks" Sasuke says as he handed me a scraper. I rolled my eyes and began to work. After the 3rd table, I dropped towards the floor.

"Mr. Uchiha!! Is there anything I could do besides this??" I asked while my head turned towards him. He swiveled his chair and rolled away from his work desk. He had his arms and legs stretched out. A smirk appeared on his face. "You can finish the favor that I'm asking you"

I tilted my head in confusion. I widened my eyes as I got what he was asking for. A smirk was on my face, I stood up and walked towards Mr. Uchiha.

Some Limes Begin( ˘ ³˘)
3rd POV

(Y/N) climbed onto Sasuke's lap and wrapped her legs around the chair and his waist. She looked at Sasuke with a adorable smirk. A smirk was on the man's face, Sasuke pulled (Y/N) for a kiss. His hands got tangled in her (H/L), (H/C) Hair while her hands stroked his Raven Hair. She kissed back with force and lust. Their lips moving in sync like perfect puzzle pieces. Sasuke grazed his tongue on the bottom of her lip.

"Ahh~" At that perfect chance he thrusted his tongue in her, fighting for dominance. (Y/N) and Sasuke's tongues danced, of course Sasuke won and explored her wet cavern. Sasuke pulled away from the kiss and trailed kisses down onto her neck. (Y/N) panted heavily.

"Is this even allowed??" She says grinning. Sasuke looked up. "I'm pretty sure Not, but who said we would follow rules?" He said while smirking.
"Says the teacher."
"Shut up" (Y/N) giggled at the sudden angriness. Sasuke's angriness faded and turned into a huge grin. "You up for it?" He asked.

"Are you?" She replied coolly. Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Shut up, I was always up for this." The teacher spoke. Sasuke buried his head in (Y/N) neck, trying to find her sweet spot. While he was doing that, (Y/N)'s hands was placed over his chest. Sasuke sucked on her sweet spot, (Y/N) moaned.

Sasuke smirked, he moved his hands to her breasts and started massaging tenderly. His name came out of (Y/N)'s mouth. This of course was not allowed, a teacher and a student having a affair. But no one cares now do we, age doesn't matter for love.

"Mr. Uchiha~" Sasuke looked up at her,
"Hmm~ say my name, you've said it before, say it again" Sasuke squeezed (Y/N) more harder and Tender.

"Sasuke~ Nghn~" (Y/N) moaned, Sasuke smirked, knowing that saying his real name isn't a problem. He stopped squeezing and pulled away.

"Let's take this to my house." Sasuke says seductively. Damn, his voice was sexy. "Now the fun is just beginning." (Y/N) said with a grin on her face.

"Let's Play."

A/N: Damnn that was hawtttttt!! Ok thanks for reading!! There will be a lemon in part 3!! It was weird writing a lemon cuz you're right here and that, you kno what I mean!! Please vote or comment, thanks if you do!!Sayonara!!! I'll post a story in my Gray X Reader Oneshots soon!! *Ahemmm* please check it out *ahemmm* Baiiiiii!

~Phoenix Fire Out

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