Sasuke X Reader || Merry Christmas!

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December 25th. The day of happiness and joy.

Then why am I crying?


I was walking towards the convenience store near my house. Just needed to get some stuff like food. My eyes spotted my friend Aqua, she was picking some snacks up until she saw me.

"Hey [Nickname]!" She greeted while waving me to come over.

"Yo! What's up Aqua?" I grinned back at her. Half of the stuff she's getting isn't even groceries, it was mainly chips and cans of soda.

"Eh, for a day before Christmas, it's kinda boring. I'm excited for your birthday though!" We walked to the candy aisle, the only reason why I came here in the first place.

"Me? Not so much..."

"Why? I wish I had my birthday on Christmas, it's like double the fun, ya know?"

"Well... I wish it was that easy! A birthday on an important holiday makes it so much more easier to forget that someone was actually born on that day."

"I get how you feel but think on the bright side, you were born on one of the most important times in the year. That's pretty special to me!" I started to grab all the candy I could hold. Gummy bears, lollipops, Chocolate, everything.

"I guess? I never really let it get to me but being forgotten is a fear of mine." I nervously said. Aqua still had a bright smile splattered on her face.

"Don't worry, Sasuke will remember. I just know it. I'll force it into his thick skull if he doesn't!"

"Well, that's a sight to see!" I chuckled and walked to where all the milk is located. Aqua decided to tag along cause why not. It's not a problem because we live right next to each other anyways.

"Thank you, my lady. Go fuck yourself." She said politely, pretending I'm an upper class.

"Run along peasant. I- we all know that's going to happen!" I joined in on the act while grabbing a pack of strawberry milk. Best milk in the world.

"Woah there bro, you gonna actually?"

"I'm pretty hot if I say so myself, soooo..."

"NASTY!" We both laughed and headed for the cashiers.

*End of Flashback*

As much as I hated liars, I couldn't blame Aqua. She only tried to help.

Why does it feel so lonely? Does anyone even remember? I woke up this morning feeling the most emptiest I've ever felt. Christmas was the day I despised the most. I hated that my birthday was on that day, not like it matters or anything.

My parents are always gone, they never even came home on my birthdays, such a shame...

I guess I see why. They're rich, they travel for multiple businesses. The presents I mainly get from them were stacks of money for me to spend. Not as bad as you think but still.

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