Sasuke X Reader || Stop it!

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Gosh darn it. It's a Monday. Well, gotta get ready for school, not like that's important or anything. I hopped out of bed and did my morning routine, nothing too fancy. Pop on clothes, brushy wushy, other stuff and eat.

I shoved a piece of toast in my mouth while hopping like a bunny trying to get my shoes on. Our school is pretty strict, don't recommend going there but oh well. It's actually chill but some people just really suck ass in this school.

Hm.. Let me try to remember... that guy with the weird haircut. Ya know, it's shaped like a butt. A duck's butt. Yeah, worst guy in the world. The amount of annoyance that radiates off of me when looking at him equivalents to the amount of shit that's coming out of his mouth.

I snatched my bag and ran out the door. Grabbing my bike and rode my way to school, passing by some nice friendly neighbors.

"Hey [Name]! How's your morning?"

"Pretty good! Have a nice day!" I whizzed passed them smiling brightly, nothing could really ruin my day. The breeze felt so nice, not too chilly, not too hot. Spring is about to end, summer coming around the corner.

I could see my high school in the distance. When I made it, I parked my bike and chained it up to the pole. My feet made it to the gate and after a half step...

"What was that for?!"

"Hn. For always being a smart ass."

"What do you mean? That's you everyday."

"Fuck off."

"Nah I'm fine. But you got me wet! I haven't even walked a foot past the gate and I got pounced by 2 bottles of water." I groaned at the raven haired. This was the guy I was talking about. Sasuke Uchiha, the biggest loser in the world. Not only his hair shoots out crap, but so does his mouth.

"Hey, you walked into it." Sasuke says casually, continuing his way back into the school.

"And how was I supposed know dumbass." I came back at him. He looked at me with the most blankest stare I've ever seen in my life.

"Uh well, there's a thing called dodging. Really don't know if you've heard of it."

"Wow, I never even heard of it. Teach me your ways, Mr. Uchiha." I replied, catching up to him. I really can't avoid him. This thirsty boy is in almost every period of mine. Well, beside physical education. Not like it matters though, both our teachers in the same period be making out in the middle of the whole field. That leads to our classes merging like freaking yeast mating.

I could never escape him, no matter how hard I try.

"Hn. Get a move on, we'll be late idiot."

"Didn't know you cared."

"I don't."

"Don't be like that~"

"Such a shame, I'll be like this for the rest of your life." He says while shoving his hands into his pockets. We're walking through the hallways, passing a lot of lockers. Some students trying to show off their stuff to get Sasuke's attention.

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