Teaser 1

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It was Sunday and from morning these two love birds were together. And what they were doing.. Well they were playing thumb fight..
"I love you."the girl said and he looked in her eyes. She was coming close to him and then she winked at him. He lost his grip of his finger and she pressed her finger on it tightly.
"Yayy!! I win. You lose."she said happily.
"Cheater cock."he muttered under his breath.
She just laughed at him. And then he too smiled seeing her laugh.

"I love you."the boy says and starts coming closer. Here the heartbeats of the girl has reached its maximum. Not that she didn't like his touch. But she always felt herself getting carried away in his sweet touch. She wanted more of him. But she also know that it's not the correct age for these things.

He comes over her and kisses her on her forehead. Then on both her cheeks. Then on her eyes and looks at her lips. He again looks in her eyes as if asking permission to kiss her. She closes her eyes in assurance.

He leans down a bit more and then their lips touch. Her lips are as soft as petals. He slowly starts sucking her lips and then enter in her mouth. The kiss is very slow. Full of emotions. In that kiss he express how much he love her. After good 5 mins he left her lips and look in her eyes. She is shy to look at him but still she looks.

"I love you."he says.
"I love you too. From the starting till now and then forever."she says. He smiles and take her in his embrace. This place was her heaven. The place she always wanted to be. The love she always wanted was now with her.

But here in other room.. Someone was drinking. "I love you. Please for once try to trust me. Please try to.."his words faded and he fell asleep.

Hey guys.
Sorry for being late this time.
I tried writing the next chapter but nothing was coming in my mind. So I thought that I'll give a teaser part which I was going to give after some chapters.
So did you like the teaser?
And also tell me who are the three people in the teaser? Any guesses would be welcomed.

Vote. Comment. Share..

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