Chapter 2

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**** Time-Skip***

Lucy's POV

After packing not only my bag but packing Natsu's as well we are finally heading back to the guild to meet up with the group. Of course Natsu is still trailing behind me acting like a dog growling at anyone who so much as looks at me and he's constantly trying to grab at me. It's really getting on my nerves but no matter what I say he doesn't seem to stop.

We finally manage to get back to the guild only to find out that Sting, Rogue and Yukino from The Sabertooth guild and so is Kagura out front near the awaiting bus.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here" I ask as we approach them.

"Well Master Makarov asked us to join you so here we are" Yukino smiles as she gives me a brief hug.

"Alright brats, as you can see I invited some of the other guilds on your trip now get going and enjoy yourself. But first Levy can I see you for a moment I have something to give you", states master while everyone else piles onto the awaiting bus.

Levy's PVO

Me? But what could master want with me. I think as I head over where Gramps is.

"Yes master?" I ask a bit nervously

"I have a book for you to read child, it may be helpful for you to read it and let the other girls read it as well" he states as he give me a book on Dragon Slayers. Thats when we hear someone growl behind us and turn in his direction to see that it was Gajeel.

"Don't you dare growl at me boy" master yells back at him

"Now go child you mustn't keep everyone waiting" he states as I turn and head onto the bus where Gajeel follows me on.

As I get on the bus I notice the way everyone is sitting, Lucy is suck by the window while Natsu is sitting beside her trying whats seems to be very hard at getting to her neck but she keeps pushing him away telling him to stop. Gray and Juvia are sitting behind them but in this case is the exact opposite of Natsu and Lucy, Juvia is tightly holding onto Greys arm.

Erza is sitting with Kagura talking about swords I presume, while Jellal and Rogue are behind them. Sting and Yukino are sitting together but this case Yukino is a bright shade of red sitting on Stings Lap. Mira and Laxus on the other hand are sitting in the back of the bus where Mira is chatting away.

This just leave Gajeel and myself and that leaves the only spot left in front of Natsu and Lucy.

"Come on shrimp, were taking off now" he says as he pulls me into the seat in front of my best friend.

"So what did master want" asks Lucy curiously

"Nothing much he just wanted to give me this book about Dragon Slayers, he said it could be helpful on our trip but I'm not exactly sure why" I say as I'm partially turned facing her.

"I wonder why he gave it too you but it must be important" she replays

"Well I guess that means I better start reading then" I state and turn back and begin to read the book.

Four hours go by when I get to a specific chapter in the book titled, "Dragon Slayer Mating Season"

Dragon slayer mating season ranges anywhere from four to six week long period which only happens once in a dragon slayers life. This is a season where a dragon slayer will choose its life long mate, where it will mark its mate usually on the neck. This mate will be the one who will mostly likely not know what is happening to the dragon slayer they are closest with. The Mating process follows these steps;

1. Choosing a mate

Once the dragon slayer has chosen a mate it will experience a sort of territorial stage where if anyone so much as looks or touches their mate will cause the dragon slayer to growl or even attack that individual. In this stage the dragon slayer, will constantly want to be touching their mate and also try to lick and nibble their mates neck to put their own scent on their mate.

2. Protecting the mate

In this stage the dragon slayer will become very protective of the mate and will not want anyone to be near him/her to ensure their safety. At this point they will not let their mate out of their sight. The dragon slayer will follow the mate everywhere they go.

3. Mating/Marking

During this stage the dragon slayer will then mate as much as possible till their mate is with child or till dragon slayer is with child. During the first mating the dragon slayer will then mark their mates on the neck so the other dragon slayers know who the mate belongs too

Side note: if the mate declines a dragon slayer, the slayer will go into a stage of depression and kill themselves because they believe they have failed in their duty. Also if the dragon slayer is under the age of eighteen then all is required is a single passionate kiss and a mark to state that that is the slayers mate. Good luck to all mates.

As I finish reading the last part my mind begins to go over time. It all make sense now why master gave me this book, to tell the others and why he sent us on an all payed vacation and why Gray, Juvia, Erza and Jellal are with us, to make sure nothing gets too out of hand.

Through my train of thought I notice a folded piece of paper.

'Hi Levy, I guess you figured everything out. Tell the girls whats happening and the slayers as well. I know I said I booked the hotel for the month but the season may last longer than that so it is actually booked for six weeks. Now be careful you have already been chosen as a mate and so have the others. I sent Erza, Gray, Juvia, and Jellal incase of ann emergency.

Have fun, Master a.k.a Gramps'

'Omg you have to be joking this can be happening right now can it. Now that I think of it all the slayer have been acting weird and have been touching and cuddling us, not to mention Gajeel did nibble on my neck a few times now' I turn the colour of Erza's hair while i think of the next part, 'I'm Gajeels Mate'.

Dragon Slayer Mating seasonWhere stories live. Discover now