chapter 4

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Levy's POV

The penthouse suit why would we need such a big place surely we could have gotten separate rooms at a low price but oh well I guess it doesn't really matter right now as long as we enjoy ourselves. I think to myself.

"Now if you would please follow me I'll show you to the suit awaiting for you" as he walks all we could do is follow him as a group through the lobby to the elevators at the back of the building. We all pile into the awaiting car, where the staff puts the key card in then pushes the button for the penthouse. 

"As you can see you need your card to use the elevator to get to your suit, the elevator goes right up to it and opens in the foyer" he continues as the elevator doors open up to reveal a grand foyer followed by a large sitting room and a kitchen. 

As we all pile into the suit we can't help but notice that there are only seven bedrooms which is clearly not enough for everyone.

"Umm excuse me, but there are only seven bedrooms, how are we all going to stay here" I ask a little puzzled 

"Well isn't it obvious we are meant to share rooms" Rogue states with a bored tone

"Oh okay, well in that case I want to share a room with Lucy" I say as I grab her hand to go one of the rooms available

"Not so fast Shorty, you'll be sharing a room with me and no one else" Gajeel says as he grabs me and place me over his should and heads to a room.

"Put me down Gajeel! I can walk you know, and I want to share a room with Lucy"

"Not happening Shorty" He says as he swats me on my butt, and walks into our room.

Yukino's POV

"I guess those of us who have been chosen are going to share a room with the Dragon slayer, aren't we?"I ask Mira

"Oh yes" she squeals, "My ships will be canon by the end of this"

"So Erza I assume you're going to be sharing a room with Jellal, and Grey with Juvia?" She states in a matter of fact tone

"Why did I come on this trip and why do I have to share a room with Juvia, can't I share one with Jellal and the girls can have one room"

"Oh my beloved Gray, we will spend our nights cuddling till mornings light" as Juvia swoons as she grabs onto Grays arm

"GET OFF OF ME, YOU WEIRDO!" he yells as he try to get away from her.

"Now that, thats all settled how about we all head down to the pool for a bit we still have some day light left" says Ersa

All around you see everyone nod in agreement.

Well I guess its fine if I share a room with Sting, I mean I do kind of like him so it shouldn't  be so bad. I mean I can sleep on the floor or if there is a couch I can sleep on that and he can have the bed it doesn't really matter to me, I think as all the couples head to a chosen room.

Levy's Pov

"Hey Levy everyone is going down to the pool for a bit, are you coming with us" I hear Lucy's voice through the door of Gajeel's and mine room.

"Yeah I'll be down in a bit I'll meet you guys there" I say still in my sitting position on the bed that Gajeel placed me on with him laying behind me.

"Well Im going down with them you can come or stay I don't really care" I say as I head over to my suit case and find my blue and orange bikini I brought along for the trip. "or are you too cool for such things"I say heading into the bathroom. As I'm changing I feel as though someone is watching but before I can turn around a pair of large arms rap around my waist with hand covered in black leather gloves. I know who it is instantly and squeal because I have nothing on except my bikini bottoms and try to cover myself up. 

"Hi shorty, I was wonder what was taking you so long." Gajeel purrs in my ear

I blush seven shades of red as I fumble to put my top on, "Gajeel, please Im not decent. P--please leave I'll be out as soon as I tie this" I say with my back still too him.

"Here let me help you", and ties my top so it doesn't move. 

When Im sure I can face him I turn, he's in nothing more than swimming shorts, and his hard nude chest is all I can stare at as I trace the lines of his abs with my eyes, dreaming about running my hand over is hard body. 

He clears his throat because clearly I have been staring way to long, and grabs my hand to lead me out of our room and to the elevator. "Come on everyone is already down stairs waiting for us"

Lucy's POV

Wow is so beautiful, the in ground pool is huge, with a canopy above it with twinkling lights so you can still swim at night which is perfect for us because the way I see it, the sun is setting pretty fast so before we know it, it will be dark. 

"hey Luce, why don't you join us in here the water is so nice" Erza says practically purring while floating next to Mira who is being watched like a hawk by Laxus who is lounging on a chair by the pool.

"Ya sure" I say as I head into the pool towards them and cross my arms by Erza's legs to stay afloat with them.

Levy and Gajeel show up holding hands, but before anyone can say anything Levy lets go and runs to the pool and does the same to Mira as I did with Erza so we can all stay together.

"So I see you and Gajeel getting along" Erza states as soon as Levy is with us

"umm yeah I guess" she blushes 

"So tell me everything, why were you guys holding hands? Are you guys together? Did you guys kiss?" Mira practically jumps on Levy and bombard her with questions

"Jez Mira give her a chance to breath, she just got here. Also knowing Gajeel and knowing how the dragon slayers have been acting he didn't really give her a choice, I'm guessing" I state a little apologetically.

"Well yeah I guess" she  pouts a little sadly

Before Levy can say anything, Gray, Natsu and Gajeel start fighting about who knows what and Laxus is trying to break it up, while Sting and Rogue watch from the bar so thats when I get the idea

"Yukino, Kagura, Juvia come here" I whisper to the other side of the pool where the other two girls are located.

"The guys are distracted, nows are chance to have a little fun. Lets make a break for it and hide. We should all try to make it back up to the suit and have a little slumber party before the guys can catch us" I whisper to them.

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