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Once upon a time in the heart of France, a beautiful family of a Baron, and Baroness and their son lived in a magnificent castle. All though they had everything their hearts desired, the man and woman were cruel, selfish, and unkind. Their son was a handsome young boy, Erik Destler, was only recipient of some distorted type of kindness the parents could show. Erik was a genius and it was prominent from a young age especially when it came to music and architecture. By the age of ten he had written his first opera, by eleven he had built the most glorious pipe organ in all of France and when he was a fifteen year old young man he had designed a eccentric opera house. He was a prodigy for every activity he attempted it seemed. He also had a heart of gold unlike his parents, everyone around him in the castle prayed he would remain this way for his life.
One night during a prestigious masquerade ball held at the castle on a cold winters night, an old beggar woman came to the castle in hopes of seeking shelter from the bitter cold, she offered a single red rose as payment. Repulsed by her grotesque image, the Baron and Baroness  tuned her away and scoffed at the gift. She warned them that they should not be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. They dismissed her again, but the ugliness of the woman melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress. The man and woman begged for forgiveness but it was too late for the enchantress has seen there was no kindness in their heart, but only a bit of love for their son. The one thing they could bring their cold hearts to care for beside themselves. The enchantress decided to punish the man and woman but not directly, but instead the one thing they loved. She placed a curse on the son, a monstrous deformity on half of his once handsome face for all eternity. The man and woman who were obsessed with beauty began to resent their son for his new deformity. They made him believe it was his own fault he was cursed, when it was merely their own.
The boys Father couldn't bare to look at him anymore and began making him ware a mask on half of his face around the house. Whenever he would catch him with it off, he would beat poor Erik to a pulp, sometimes until he rendered unconscious.
"Erik you are a disgrace on this family,"
"Erik you are a monster, its your own fault you look the way you do,"
One day when the boy turned sixteen he woke to find his parents no where in the castle. They had left him and taken all servants except two, Nadir Kahn and Madame Giry, the ones who raised him from a young age. Distraught from his parents abandoning him because of his appearance to no fault of his own, he feel into despair. He concealed himself to the castle grounds in the deep forest ashamed of his monstrous appearance, his only window to the outside world being a magic mirror. His once pure and kind heart melted away, and he became what his parents were, cruel, deceitful, and unkind. He grew to be a monster on the inside and still believed he was a monster on the outside. He felt no need to bring anyone into his life ever unless it was to fulfill physical needs. He believed as his parents often said to him,
"Who could ever love a masked monster?"

*cue Phantom of the Opera overtue*

Authors Note:
Hi everyone, so this is just a brief intro and backstory to Erik and how things are being tied into Beauty and the Beast. Im really excited to get started. So the cast is this as well,

I know Gerard Butler gets a lot of hate for his take on the Phantom but I love him and the sex appeal the phantom needs in this story makes this casting in a word.... ideal.

Emmy Rossum is Christine

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Emmy Rossum is Christine

Hadley Fraser as Raoul de Changy

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Hadley Fraser as Raoul de Changy

As more characters come it I will add more of these

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As more characters come it I will add more of these.
Thanks again for reading.

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