Music Of The Night

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Author POV
Erik bounded down the dark hallway, dragging little Christine behind him obviously unaware of how long, and fast his strides were compared to hers, she was practically running just to keep up with him. Both of them were both still very flustered after their waltz in the ballroom, Christine more so than Erik. Christine had a suitor who she was very much in love with or what she believed love was. She refused to succumb to any feeling Erik was placing in her mind, but he heart was not one to follow the rules.
"Where are we going?" Christine said when Erik came to an abrupt halt in the hallway and almost sent Christine flying into his back.
"Library, there is a piano there." He said turning to look at her for a moment. Christine wished that he would talk to her more, for his voice was the most enticing and beautiful thing she had ever heard.
"Your shivering Christine," Erik said when he heard her teeth chatter a bit. Christine had hardly even noticed how cold she really was, for she was far to focused on the castle and most of all Erik, her new friend.
"Im fine-" Before Christine could even tell him she was quite fine, Erik had taken off his jacket and wrapped in around her shoulders. The pure heat of his hands on her shoulders when putting the jacket around her was enough to heat her whole body but a jacket would suffice.
'T-Thank you" Christine said wrapping the material closer to herself.

Christine POV
The scent of his jacket lone was enough to make any girl go mad, so masculine and clean. He smelled of ink, sage, and clean linens it drove me mad. I hoped he wouldn't hear me sniffing at the intoxicating smell, he seemed anxious enough already but to know I was growing attached would surely make him send me away. I was not allowed to get attached, Raoul was the only exception for we were to be married in the near future. Raoul, oh no... I scolded myself for thinking of Erik in any intimate way. He obviously did not want me to pleasure him in any way except my company, the poor lonely man. For the life of me I could not understand why he was not already married off to a beautiful woman and having many children. Yes, he wore a mask of mystery on half of his face that was rumored to hide a deformity but he was charming beside this. A true genius.
We stopped outside another set of double door, Erik set down the candelabra on a small table and shoved the doors open. Yet again I was amazed, there must have been thousands of books lining the walls.
"My goodness," I said walking in front of him to get a better look.

"You like it?" He asked while lighting more candles in the room creating a steady sense of brightness

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"You like it?" He asked while lighting more candles in the room creating a steady sense of brightness.
"Its spectacular!" I beamed while running to the nearest book case. I glanced back at him and he was... smiling. My heart fluttered at the sight, he only ever smirked in front of me. He looked happy, not sad or lonely anymore. I wish he could ways look his way instead of the permanent scowl he seemed to wear.
"Erik, have you read all of these?" I asked walking back over to him.
"Yes, reading has always been an escape for me." He said looking at his feet as if he were ashamed by his need to escape reality.
"I understand, people in town said I was rather odd because of how much I read." I admitted with a bit of regret not wanting him to think of me the same way.
"That's absolutely ridiculous!" He boomed with a slight chuckle, making me jump a bit. His voice had such an effect on me wether its fear or interest I do not know. "An educated woman is a gift from the heavens, someone you can have a conversation of intellect with is a luxury Christine!" He said almost angrily at the treatment the villagers gave me.
"I never listen to their insults, they no longer matter to me. Papa always insisted I was well educated, he did not believe in the practice of a woman's purpose to only be having children and obeying her husbands every order." I grinned thinking of the first time Papa sat me on his lap and told me of his beliefs after I had been made a fool of by a young boy in the village.
"Indeed, a silly girl is enjoyable to a boy not a man." His deep voice said making me shutter at the word man. It was a reminder that Erik was indeed a man, not a boy in a man's body who were my usual customers. Raoul was a man, but still he was very boyish. The way he conducted himself was like a boy trying to live up to the expectations of a man. He smelled of a young lad just experiencing the use of alcohol and smoke and not knowing how to pace himself. Whereas everything about Erik was very masculine, the way he walked like a predator stalking its prey. How deep and smooth his voice is, easily able to make any woman swoon. Especially in the clothing he was currently dressed in, how a bit of his broad chest peaked out exposing muscle and a bit of dark chest hair, how neatly kept his sideburns are, and the smell of his musky cologne was all indeed all man.

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