Dancing On My Own

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Christine POV
"I see you took care of the rose garden?" She said seeing the winter roses beginning to bloom in a dark, blood red color.
"Yes, finding notes outside my bedroom door from the master telling me to tend to it become aggravating. He has an... obsession, if you will for beautiful things. He never lets a thing in his domain wither away. His attention to detail is invigorating I must say. When he was about eight and how he would get so upset if there was the smallest wrinkle in any of his clothing. It would always make Madame and I chuckle," I said remembering the happier times.
"How long have you known him?" She asked curiously
"Since he was born, I helped raise him, he's like a son to me." I said snapping the reins of the horse to bring him to a stop outside of the castle. Madame Giry stood outside her hands folded over her waist. I climbed off of the horse and lifted Christine off of the horse, she was far to light for a girl of her age.
"Ah Christine, how have you been?" Madame said walking towards us.
"Quite fine, and you Madame?" Christine said following me towards the castle.
"Better, your bright face has brought me some peace of mind." I shot her a glance and she looked at her feet,
"Peace of mind?" Christine asked looking puzzled by her words.
"Yes, come dinner is awaiting." Madame said and a look of comfort come over Christine's face.
'Dinner." She muttered softly now knowing she would be taken care of for the remainder of the night. We walked into the castle and Christine looked around observing all around her as if she were seeing it for the first time.
"Still beautiful as ever," She smiled,
"This is nothing compared to the rest of the castle," I chuckled knowing my statement was quite true.
"I would love to see it," She said twirling like a ballerina in the foyer.
"Maybe someday you shall," I said smirking at her simple joy from a beautiful location.

I saw her standing in the foyer soft speaking to Nadir, when I sat up in the rafters where sculptures sat on a ledge. She twirled and danced around like child, a look of pure happiness on her face.
"If you'll excuse me I must help Madame ready the diner table," Nadir said leaving the room and Christine alone in the foyer. She stopped her dancing and politely bowed her head as he left. She grasped her hands over her chest and gazed at the mural on the wall of a man in renaissance clothing kneeling playing the violin for his love.
"Oh Papa you would love it here..." She gasped with a soft smile. I saw her softly close her eyes, showing her long lashes over her high cheek bones. Her angelic voice then making an appearance as she began to hum to herself and sway back and fourth. Her blue dress following her every movement, it was the dress she wore the day she left me home for the first time. Her wild curls bouncing with every graceful move as they framed her delicate features.
"Mmm mm, mmm" She sang softly then moving her hands into the position they were to be in if she were waltzing with a man, a tall well built man as her hands were well above her head where his shoulder would be, Who are you dancing with Christine?
I began to move from my hiding place, still watching her every move. I climbed over the railing going back onto the stairs, and began my decent every so quietly not wanting to disturb her dance.

"Masquerade, paper faces on parade" She sang, and her words made me stop in my place and my heart cease to beat. That was the song that played over and over from the performers of a new opera house that my Father had invested in. An opera house in Paris that my tutor, Mousier Garnier had designed with a bit of my input. The song what played before the dreadful events leading to my demise came. How do you know this song Christine?
"Masquerade! Hide your face so the world will never find you," She placed her hand over her eyes pretend as if it were a mask, and let a small giggle take over her face. The look of merriment almost warming my heart, knowing that she was here once again with me, not by choice but here none the less. I continued my decent down the stairs as she began her dance once more and twirled around the foyer, no doubt imagining it were a grand ballroom.
"Masquerade!" Her voice soaring to the high heavens with each beautiful note. I reached the bottom stair and she was turned away from me, as she moved her arms to her side once more.
"Brava, bravissimo!" I called and she jumped at my voice echoing through the room. She whirled around to face me, and her doe eyes warmed my body.
"You heard all of that? Im sorry Mousier, I thought I was alone..." She said looking at her feet and her cheeks turning a scarlet red of embarrassment.
"Ah Christine, never apologize for your voice. It would be a sin to conceal such a gift," I smirked at her, but quickly turned the expression away knowing it had been so long since I had truly smile and did not wish to bring the foolish habit back.
"A gift you say?" She asked mischievously, Looking for more words of praise from me?
"Indeed, the voice of an angel." I cooed and I saw her tense, My angel.... She brushed away a curl from her face and pushed it behind her ear.
"Thank you," She muttered softly. We stood there in silence and I admired all of her, taking in every detail. Every detail so I could remember her for a lifetime, knowing she would not always be here in front of me. I walked towards her a bit more, and a scent of roses and the sea intoxicating me. She looked up at me nervously, almost afraid I would drag her away to my bed chambers and take her. Every inch of me wanted to but whatever good sense I had left prevent me from doing so for she deserved much more than that.
"Come, dinner awaits us." I said not wanting to starve her anymore, she was looking underfed as usual.
"As you wish." She said but stopped when I held out my arm for her to take,
"Mademoiselle," I said and a small smile grazed her face. She hooked her arm through my arm and I shivered at her touch through my jacket, I inhaled sharply not expecting a simple clothed touch to do this to me. She was also a rosy pink color, most likely from the warmth of the room, not me unfortunately. I walked us towards the dinning room,
"Nadir, do not put them so far away from each other-"
"Its more proper!"
"Put them closer you daft man!" Madame Giry and Nadir stood there arguing about the table setting, and how close Christine and I would be sitting near each other,
"Ahem," I said mortified that Christine had heard them bickering about how close Christine and I would be during dinner, Madame Giry obviously having my favor but I was horrified none the less.
"Oh!" Giry squealed nothing the two of us were standing there. I shot the two of them a look of utter distaste and embarrassment,
"Dinner is ready, please sit Christine." I said gesturing to one of the two places across from each other.
"I can move them if-"
"Please leave us, both of you," I snarled at the pair and I felt Christine jump a bit next to me, still holding my arm.
"Very well," Madame said tilting her chin up a bit and leaving the room with Nadir at her heels.
"I am sorry about them, they bicker like an old married couple-"
"Its alright, its very amusing seeing them interact with each other." Christine giggled and it calmed me knowing she was not appalled by their behavior and conversation about our proximity during dinner.
"Good, please sit Christine." I said reluctantly removing her arm from mine. She began to walk towards a chair but I raced there before her and pulled out the chair like a gentleman. It was quite clumsily done, like a young boy courting a girl. How I wish I could court you Christine...

I hoped he would not notice my blushing, for some reason when I held his arm my whole body calmed yet my mind became very overwhelmed with thoughts of him. The way his clothing made him look regal as ever, and the crisp white mask making him mysterious as the night. He was so warm, making me feel like a roaring fire was two feet away from me. His scent of male musk and cologne warming my body. When he left my side and pulled out the chair for me like a.... gentleman. Despite his obvious temper, there was nothing about him that was not a gentleman. The way he conducted himself with just power and dominance was enticing.
"Thank you, Mousier." I said sitting in the chair as he pushed my chair closer to the table. I blushed wildly as he left my side to sit across from me, he was breath taking. I studied him closely as he sat down and placed his elbow on the table and leaned forward resting his jaw in his hand, What is going on in that mind of yours?
"How have you been Christine?" He asked looking up at me with his emerald eyes, making my stomach churn for some odd reason.
"Do not lie to me Christine, I have told you before it is no burden telling me what is going on in your life." He snapped, How could he read me like a book?
"Well in that case, not as well as I could be," I said picking up my fork and scooping up some of the potatoes on my plate.
"Do tell," He said waving hand wanting me to continue,
"My Papa does not have much time left Mousier, they say a week or two at best." I said with my heart aching at the thought of my Papa leaving soon.
"I'm sorry Christine," He said softly,
"Do not apologize, I do not deserve your sympathy Mousier-"

Erik POV
"Everyone deserves compassion Christine... You are a good person, you deserve the compassion of the world." I said wishing I could reach across and take her hand in mine and caress her fingers with care and... love.
"How have you been Mousier?" She asked trying to change the subject,
"Fine." I said sighing, knowing that was far from the truth but what was I supposed to say? Horrible, you haunt my every thought, and I know you and can never will be mine. This is only because I have to pay you to come here, its all a fantasy...
"Have you been playing recently?" She asked taking a bite of her food, Oh god, even the way you eat is beautiful!
"Only every breathing moment," I chuckled darkly, if only she knew she was the sole reason my music had flourished in the passed week.
"Don't you sleep?" She asked with a smile,
"Not much, I don't find sleep very necessary anymore" I said thinking back to a time when I could actually get a good night's rest.
"So you do not sleep or eat? You must not be human Mousier," She giggled, she meant it in good humor but I did not smile. I was far from human, it was as if a phantom lived in the shell of a distorted man.

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