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Erik POV
She stood there swaying to the music I had written when I was only 16, the music I had been asked to debut the night of the ball. It was never played, for unfortunate events occurred before anyone had the chance to hear my darkly beautiful creation. She likes it... I thought to myself as she let a small smile appear on her lips as I continued her playing. I had explained every detail of the ballroom when it stood in its formal glory as it did years ago. I used an old trick of mine that Charles had taught me to continue the playing of the organ whilst I left the bench and walked towards the angel standing there letting her imagination overtake her. I began to reach for her wrists and when I touched her soft, ivory skin I trembled slightly at the feeling of her skin on my hands. How could a monster be able to touch such a beautiful creature?

"Christine, look" I said pulling her hands from her eyes. Her long lashes fluttered open to reveal her breathtaking eyes, making me inhale sharply. I had never dared to be as close to her as I was now. She looked at me and then around at the room as if it were the most wonderful thing she had ever seen in all of her sixteen years. My trance had worked, she still saw the old ballroom in all of its glory.
"Christine, would you care to um" Your stuttering you fool! "Dance?" I asked with a slight quiver in my voice. I looked back into her doe eyes making my soul ache for this beautiful woman.
"Yes" she said quickly and my eyes widened in disbelief with how fast she had responded to my request. I hadn't waltzed since I was 16, I was rather good at it then. I began to extend my arm around her small waist and my fingers twitched slightly when I felt how cold she was. The soft fabric of the dress she wore grazing my hand, I looked back at her nervously and her cheeks were a bright red. I placed my hand on her lightly, afraid she could break by my slightest touch. It was like touching at china doll, so delicate and perfect in every way.
Her hand began lifting towards my shoulder and she stepped closer to me, we were now only a few inches away.
"Is this right?" She asked with a nervous tone.
"Yes, surely you have waltzed before?" I asked
"Only with my Father, he used to waltz me around the room as a child." She said with a soft laugh. Her laughing stopped abruptly when I took her other hand in mine, using all of my courage. She looked back at me and blinked slowly letting me see her long lashes once more.
"Now follow my lead." I said pulling her a bit closer to me. I began to move us slowly and she followed my lead as timid as a child,
"Relax" I cooed not sure if I was trying to calm her or myself.
We started to move more comfortably, the music still playing. My heart was warmed with the feeling of her in my arms, nothing would ever harm her while she was with me. Not any man, not any woman, not me, ever. I would save her from all harm. She believed her Vicomte would save her, but until then I would use all in my power to protect her from all, if he dared to hurt or deceive her I would not rests until he felt my wrath.

"Mousier? I must ask you a question." She said softly as I opened my eyes too look at her again, a sight I could never tire of.
"Ask, Christine." I said with another step, still transfixed with her in my arms,.
"What is your name?" She asked, My name? Why do you care? "I saw your initials on your violin one night, 'E.D.'" She stated
"Indeed, my initials." I said firmly, I had not ever told one of the girl my name. She was different.
"May I guess? Edward? Edmund?" She said smiling. I sighed at her efforts of guessing and just shook my head with every wrong answer,
"Edgar? Elliot?" She continued with her silly guessing games.
"Christine." I said stopping our waltz but still holding her hands in mine, they fit perfectly. She looked at me confused,
"I do not tell many people of my name because in many records I am long dead." I said sadly, remembering the day my parents told many I had passed from an illness due to the shame of having a deformed monster as their son. In a way I was dead to them.
"If I tell you, you must swear to me to never tell another of my name. Promise me?" I said beginning to stroke her hand with my thumb, a act of endearment feeling so intimate to me.
"I swear to you Mousier." She said stepping closer to me. Trust her... Trust her with all you are.... A voice in my head said, a voice I had not heard in a long time, the voice of all that is right and good in the world. Before I could process her movements she retuned us to the position of a waltz.
"My name is Erik, Erik Destler." I said sighing and looking away from her at the reveal of my disgraceful name. I expected her to leave at the mention of my last name,
"Erik... Eternal ruler." She said mentioning the meaning of my name. A last name that the whole country of France knew, and feared. My Father being a cousin of the King, and well known for his cruel ways was a loathed man.
"Indeed." I said releasing her hands from mine and turning away from her.
"It suits you...." She said and then sent my body into shock, she leaned into my chest her heart resting over my heart. I prayed she could not hear the rapid pace of its beat all because of her.
"Your last name, my Father used to preform for the Destler family... Did you know him?" She asked with sadness in her voice. I could not lie to her, father learning her last name I had looked into some old records of performers we had in the castle and Gustave Daae was a frequent one. Apparently being a personal favorite of my Fathers.
"Gustave Daae, yes I did. We met during a ball one night, he let me play his violin." I said remembering the kind man, Christine's father. I remembered the night I had met him and was introduced by Mousier Garnier for they had met when Gustave played at the Opera House. Charles had told him I was a musical prodigy and Gustave insisted I graced him with my gift of music. We had spent over an hour speaking of operas and compositions that we shared a fancy in. He never mentioned a daughter, Christine must not have even been born then.
"He told me if it was not for my title, I would have been a world renowned composer." I said wishing that this could have been true.
"You are a Baron?" She asked
"Was. I am not anymore, that title disappeared when my parents left me." I said sighing at the mention of my absent title. I was destined for so much more than this... It had been so long since I had spoken of this to anyone. I could being to think of why Christine was any different. Was it how she seemed to speak to me as if I was a friend? Was it how she never asked a single question about my mask or rumors? I had no idea in my mind, but my heart of stone seemed to have other plans for my tainted mind.

There was a silence in the room, only audible thing being Christine's breathing.
"Mousier Destler?" She said
"I am not my Father, he was Mousier Destler." I said coldly not ever wanting to be compared to that man of such cruelty.
"Erik then?" She asked, the sound of my name coming from her making me shiver. How I wish I could make you scream my name...
"Yes." I said granting her permission to use my name freely.
"What was that piece you played a moment ago? It was beautiful and dark, very powerful." She said trying to comfort me with talk of music. I had never even give it a name,
"It is an overture if you will, most likely for an Opera." I said.
"An opera? Have you be writing one?" She asked picking her head up from my chest to look at me.
"Yes," I said wishing she would hush and return to the position of her head laying on my chest.
"I found it quite interesting," She said with a sweet smile making my soul ache for her.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it Christine." I said taking a step and she following my moves.
"Is there more?" She asked
"Yes, but as I have told you I do not yet know how all of the pieces will fit together." I said closing my eyes and twirling her.
"Could I hear it?"
I stopped in my paces and Christine almost fell over from my abrupt cease. My eyes widened and I looked at her to see she was already looking at me very confused,
"You want to hear more?" I asked puzzled, nobody ever seemed to appreciate my music anymore. Nadir and Madame Giry found it bothersome for it interrupted their sleep in the night.
"If you would not mind," She said "The talents of a genius should not go unheard" a soft smile on her lips. A man genius dear...
"I have a piece you may fancy, come follow me" I said breaking from our dance and taking her hand in mine.

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