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Little town its a quiet village.
Christine Daee, a mere sixteen year old girl who lived in a small village in northern France. She walked dreamily in the village through the crowds of people mulling about in the streets, going about their daily duties.
"Bonjour!" She heard people yelling to each other but none if the sounds could ever effect the constant stream of music playing in her mind. Christine is the daughter of a violinist, Gustave Daee. People however, believed he was mad. He never really behaved like a normal human, he was eccentric indeed. He moved the two of them here when the plague came over Paris, unfortunately taking Christine's mother. Christine didn't remember much of her mother except for her voice. She had a beautiful soprano's voice, she was a performer at the Opera Populaire in Paris, that where she met Christine's Father. Christine knew barely anything of her mother as a matter of fact, her Father never brought her up and she understood why. It was painful for him to remember her, he loved her more than anything. They had lived here since Christine was two, she knew nothing more than this village. It was quite unfortunate, for Christine wanted adventure and excitement. She only seemed to get these things from the books she would read, and the operas she would sing to herself, wishing she could slip away into the stories.
"Watch out!" A carriage driver yelled snapping Christine from her thoughts, she tuned to see a horse drawn carriage racing towards her, she quickly sprinted out of the way. That was close... She thought to herself,
"Foolish girl," people muttered around her, but this held nothing to Christine for she was used to being told this by the townspeople very often. They called her "odd" and "Freak" just because she was more invested in her education and music than she was in being courted or barring children as women are expected to do. Christine didn't see the purpose.

"Ah Christine! I figured you would be stopping by today!" Said M. Graham, the store owner.
"Yes, I finished the Opera yesterday. The score was quite beautiful, truly." Christine said handing the paperback score to the man.
"I agree, Il Muto is indeed entertaining. I have some new fiction novels in if you would like to take a look?"
"Oh yes Mousier, that'd be delightful." Christine beamed. M. Graham was the only other person in town beside her Father who Christine felt she could talk to without being ridiculed. He was infatuated with music and literature as was Christine.
"I have a new one I read before it was on the shelves, have you heard of Beauty and the Beast?" M Graham asked.
"Im familiar with the concept. I do not like it, she was taken prisoner and fell in love with her captor-" Christine argued.
"Yes, but he lets her go so she may attend to her Father, he loved her," M Graham said and Christine only nodded politely not wanting to debate the topic further. M Graham showed her his newest additions to the collections of literature and compositions he had in the store. Christine and M Graham often spent days like this, discussing topics of novels the other was reading. You almost could call them friends.
"Jonathan!" A shrill voice rang from the door. Its was his wife, Elyse she was a rather obnoxious woman in Christine's opinion. Jonathan deserved so much better than her treatment. They had been married for over 15 years, and had four wonderful children. Christine was quite fond of the youngest one, Delilah. She was much smaller than all of the other children in the village and would often be picked on. Christine saw this happening one day and quickly jumped to her defense, and ever since then the two had grown close. Girls were not aloud to attend school at this time, they were simply supposed to be taught manners and how to keep a home in tact. Christine disagreed with this practice as did her Father, he schooled her as if she was a boy feeling that it was important his daughter was an intellectual. Christine took it upon herself to teach the young girl, and Delilah was brilliant indeed. This practice was frowned upon, especially by Elyse. She had caught Delilah with Christine one day outside has she was teaching the young girl to read. Elyse was horrified by this, and dragged Delilah home. Ever since, Elyse had loathed Christine and Christine felt the same was about her.
"Oh you're here again?" Elyse said sharply after noticing Christine sitting on the floor surrounded by stack of books.
"Yes, you usually can find me here Madame." Christine said politely attempting not to invite any further conflict. Elyse had other plans,
"Jonathan, I feel used. You seem to spend more time with this litte 'freak' than you do with your beloved wife!" She shrieked, starting drama as per usual. Christine only sighed and rolled her eyes,
"What? Elyse you know not what you speak of dearest!" Jonathan said walking towards his wife, trying to comfort her in her most likely fake hurt state.
"Oh, look at her. Is she more desirable to you than me? Look at her, frizzy brown hair, boring brown eyes, and small bodice." Elyse shrieked pointing out all of Christine's insecurities. Jonathan quickly looked at Christine with sympathetic eyes, obviously embarrassed about his wife's unkind words towards the girl.
"If you'll excuse me I have some things to attend to." Christine said standing and straightening out her dress.
"Christine please-" Jonathan said feeling absolutely horrible for what his wife had said,
"No, let the little toad leave." Elyse said grabbing onto her husband.
"Thank you for the books and the company Jonathan." Christine said brushing a stray hair behind her eat as she walked by the couple.
Maybe she is right, maybe I am just a freak. Christine thought to herself as she walked home. She felt tears begin to form in her eyes, she began to believe what Elyse had said.
Christine walked back to the small cottage she and her Father lived in on the outskirts of town, it was very small and quirky but very homey. She wiped away her tears, not wanting her Father to worry at the sight of his daughter being upset.
"Papa?" Christine called as she walked into her home. There she heard the soft hum of a violin coming from the living room. She smiled to herself knowing her Father was happy, in his own little peaceful world of his music. Christine began to hum softly to herself as she put away the groceries she picked up from the market today. The melody stopped, being interrupted by a painful cough of her Father. His illness beginning to take a toll on him in his old age.
"Christine darling is that you?" Her Fathers voice said from the next room.
"Yes Papa, I'm home" Christine said. Gustave walked into the room looking a bit distraught, he most likely hadn't slept in a few days. He always did this, he would get himself so worked up over composing now pieces. It worried poor Christine to death, especially now that he was in his old age.
"How was town darling?" Gustave said as he took a seat at the kitchen table, watching his daughter.
"Same as usual Papa, you know nothing ever changes here," Christine said smiling almost sadly.
"Is something troubling you child?" Gustave asked noting his daughters eyes were a bit puffy as if she had been crying, which she had.
"Papa, do you think I'm a freak?" Gustave heart hurt at this question. No child of his could not be looked at as not being odd, but never a freak.
"No my dear never. Have you been listening to the ignorant people of this village again?" Christine nodded as a tear fell from her eyes. Gustave stood and gave his daughter a hug, "My angel, you are different however, different is never a bad thing. Trust me my child." He said hugging his daughter close to his chest. After their embrace Gustave sat down and began to look through the bills he needed to pay.
"Papa? The landlord approached me today, telling me he needed our payment." Christine said.
"I know-"
"I can get a job in town Papa, really it wouldn't be too much trouble." Christine said taking his hand but, Gustave wouldn't want to place any sort of burden on his daughter.
"No Christine, never. I will figure it out my love, I always do." Gustave said taking her hand and looking at his child with all the love in his heart before being interrupted by a horrid cough.
"Papa, have you seen a doctor recently?"
"No need, they will simply tell me to rest and you know that it not my style,"
"I worry Papa," Christine said thinking the worst. It would destroy her to ever loose her Papa.
"I know, please ease my mind buy not worrying about your dear Father, Christine," Gustave said stroking her hand.
"Yes Papa,"

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